
Which concealer should I get?

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If I use Almay's Smart Shade Makeup is it better to use their smart shade concealer? or to go with the cheaper moisturizing concealer in the same shade as my foundation?




  1. um I haven't ever used that stuff but I use cover girl concealer

  2. smart shade concealer

  3. it depemds on wat you want it for

    if you want it for small blemishes (anything red on your face) get a green concealer trust me it works

    if you want it for undereye circles get one thats about two shades lighter than your skin and make sure it has yellow hues to contrast with the blue green colors of the veins

    and if you want it for uneven skintone get one that matches the closest to your skin tone....

    hope i helped

    and srry i couldnt mention the brands you want but im sure this helped anyway

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