
Which country in europe?

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what's the best country in europe for a canadian exchange student like me? i'm currently studying french as a part of the whole curriculum,, and i'm also planning to take italian, or spanish when my school get to have one.... i'm thinking of switzerland, germany, spain, italy, france, england, sweden, portugal... please suggest more.. and can you give me some of those exchange students programs




  1. Since you already know English and French, it would be best for you to go with Spanish now.

    Spain is a wonderful choice and the program, one of the best if not the best of the programs offered abroad world wide. Location is a safe and most amazingly beautiful beach resort in Northern Spain.

    Host families are extremely well screened and very loving. This program gets returnees year after year, so great it is.

    Cost is really reasonable considering everything included (as long as you sign up with this program through their web site as there are organizations that sell the same program for much more so high quality it is).

    Some of the activities and excursions it offers besides Spanish, cooking and dancing classes are: Guggenheim Museum, paella dinner, bullfight, fireworks on the beach, city tour, medieval towns, fishing villages, many beach days, Aquarium, tall ship vessel excursion,  Roman village hiking trip, canoening down the river, shopping, and much more.

    It offers you the possibility of enrolling with a friend with whom to share same host family home, or for you to stay alone at host family. Many host families count on children of similar age to participating students.

    Good luck!

  2. Hi there, I'm French, I am actually in a political sciences and history licence in Paris I Panthéon SOrbonne. What I can tell you is that with France Canada has a special program called CREPUQ that gives you facilities to come to study in France. But you should try without the exchange program in order to avoid the inscrption fees which cost a lot in your country compared to France. For instance, for a graduate, in a good public university, you'll pay 400 euros only!

    However, I know that English universities, even though they cost a lot, 6000 pounds for a year I think... are really great, they have good accomodations, good courses, etc. But still, I repeat it, they are elitist and very very very expensive.  Spain is a good choice, although it is maybe less "prestigious" than France or UK, but you'll really have some fun over there, people are nice, madrid barcelone or Salamanque are really nice cities, and the weather is soooo great...

    But, these elements are not the most important for a student, and I do know that universities administrations over there are very "messy" and sometimes it is quite difficult for a foreigner to find its way...

    As a conclusion, I would say that Latin countries like Italy, Spain and to a certain extent France,  have good universities but quite old, (not enough money) , and the teaching is very "rigid" whereas England have a better system with modern universities etc.   But English univerties are really expensive compared to Latin countries, very elitist, and the freedom that you'll have over there for your student life can drive you to ... a catastroph... if you are leazy;

    ....  France is the best. (I'm joking, if I were you , aconsidering the universitiesI would go in England 1st choice, France 2nd , Spain 3rd).  

    for France, please consider that if you want to do commercial studies it changes everything, see the Financial times ranking that puts HEC, ESSEC etc in firsts places!! And if you want to study political sciences I advise you what we call the IEP( instituts d'études poltiiques, known as Sciences po.)

    And finally, France has the best quality of life ever, here I must say that I'm not joking.

    à bientôt !

  3. I personally think that Ireland or France would be the best places to study in Europe.

    You can read about studying in France here:

    And Ireland here:

    Hope this helps!

  4. I studied in Rome with Temple University (it's a US school, but I think you could join the program) and it was amazing.  While there though, everyone raved about Barcelona, so maybe that's an option?

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