
Which gaming company will die first?

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Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft? I don't see Microsoft going anywhere anytime soon, but nintendo is sucking with its childish games and i dunno what to say about sony. what your opinion?




  1. Well if Video Games wnet out of fashion then Nintendo would be screwed, Ms make money off the Pc your more than likelly typing this up on(unless your using your Wii or PS3 browser) n sony have a huge electronics divicsion, Viao,Walkman, Bravia etc.

    However Nintendo has many many decades of console and game sales to get cash from, and it currently nearly outselling PS3 n 360 combined, and has hit up on its key market extremely well. So form your comment im assueming you dont take a look at the gaming market much.

    all went for diffrent markets and all have done well(especially the gamers)

    Some people are refering to it as the second gmaing golden age with a huge wave of new features been brought to the table;Sony went for raw power to knock out stunning visuals, and introducing Blu-ray, n Home etc Nintnendo went for controller innovation and made the WIimote n touchscreen DS, huge success. n Microsoft stuck on the tradiotianl route of a console upgrade n franchise continution, with Live been further improved and the new "Xbox Experience" coming the end of this year.

    On a business side Wii has made profit form day one  (a gmaing history first, most consoels sell at a loss) PS3 cost Sony $3billion in development and cost subsidizing ( $300 loss per PS3 sold) n Microsoft a loss of $5billion form low Xbox1 sales and replacing RROD 360's.

    July monthly sales ( August isnt over yet)

    DS, Wii, PS3, PSP, 360, PS2 (check link)

    So yeah, unless Video gmaes suddenly drop in popularity or  an asteroid hit's then expect these comapines ot go strong for many years to come, n stop being so pesimistic :D

  2. I believe Microsoft will die out first not just because of the red ring of death or anything like that its because the innovative minds who run the company are just making sequels to old games such as halo 3 but the are some new title gears of war etc, and bill gates is leaving witch is one of the most innovative minds ever and he just doesn't run the computer part he runs the gaming part too.

    On the other hand Sony and Nintendo keep pumping out fresh new creative games yeah some aren't all that good ,but its enough to keep their customers satisfied. Examples: Resistance Fall Of Man where did that come from, and Sony's Home and for Nintendo there just awesome the keep bring those big game and bringing them to life on the Nintendo DS and Wii. So I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft Falls out first.

  3. im honestly thinkin sony

    cause at comicon they didnt reveal anything, and the wii and the 360 are both better than the PS3 with more capabilities

    the company wont die, no, but the gaming will

    unless they just wanna just waste even more billions of dollars into the PS3(which they already have)

  4. None of them will be leaving anytime soon. Sony and Microsoft have a lot of other projects and divisions so unless we run out of silicon or children stop being born, these three companies are here to stay.

    In response to finisher 3000, Sony makes money by selling licenses to game developers. In fact before they downgraded the quality of PS3's, Sony was actually losing money everyt ime they sold a PS3. Microsoft has a lot going for it. It came out before the PS3 so it's games sales are still up and they're also catching a lot of franchises that used to be Sony exclusive, like Devil May Cry 4 and Final Fantasy and others. They also got huge hits like Halo 3 and Gears of War (which is about to come out with a sequel). PS3 has blueray capabilities and a huge hard drive, not to mention free online play, and the Nintendo Wii is doing pretty well, too.

  5. Sony, they're screwed.

  6. None of them are going to die. Even though Sony might of sold the less consoles, they don't always rely on PlayStation's to make profit. They make TVs, stereos, laptops and much more. Sony is going to make millions, due to the fact that Blu-ray is taking over HD DVDs. Sony has ALOT of sponsors too. Here in Australia, the sports coverage relies on Sony for high definition sporting coverage and they make one hundred thousand per game.

    IF one was going to die, it would probably be Nintendo, because they only rely on gaming consoles and eventually people will move on.

  7. Not Sony, because they've got too much going on for them with the PS3 and the Blu-Ray setup.

    Microsoft is in a little bit of trouble after backing HD DVD, which was a mistake overall, and especially now that they're trying to catch up with the memory capacity of the PlayStation. And the consistent problems with the "Red Ring of Death" is only hurting their reputation.

    Nintendo is just plain fun, and they have a low-cost and innovative system in the Wii.

    All in all, I'd say Microsoft will die off first, but not in the near future.

  8. First off, who sold the most consoles? Nintendo or Xbox? EH NINTENDO, they're not going to die soon because people enjoy their classic-type games. Not the pointless, I'm gonna kill things because of a giant ring in the sky. I'm going to say Microsoft because their system sucks big time, how many times did they have to update it so that it wouldn't burn out? How many times have you heard about the Wii having problems?  

  9. sony, they are making no money selling PS3's

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