
Which horses are the best?

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personally i like stallions




  1. racehorses(thoroughbreds)

  2. BEST for WHAT? I will assume you are asking for an all around horse.

    My pony on the track was a thoroughbred/quarter mix. I rode him many years, he was a gelding, very fast off the mark, stop on a dime and give ya 9 cents change, he also had great endurance, with the quite nature of a quarter horse.

    Warm bloods(there are many different mixes or types) are a very nice horse.

    I prefer geldings or a nice mare, but I have had some great, quite, gentle, smart and well behaved studs and I've had some that can be very problematic, esp. when we have to be around fillies and mares that are in heat or not.

    But these all depend on your skills as a horseman and the studs temperament.

    Here are some questions to ask yourself;

    What type of job are we gonna do for the most part.

    What are my skills as a rider and horse person.

    Where is the horse gonna live(esp. for studs) You can't turn a stud out in a pasture with fillies and mares in it, for obvious reasons, this is part of where studs are a bit more problematic.

    How much can I spend for a horse.

    Here are a few more suggestions;

    Akhal-teke it is a older breed than an arab, and can be more placid than an arab(generally speaking) great endurance, was a favored mount of Alexander the great and also Genghis Khan, so you know their tuff.

    Morgans are nice horses.

    Quarter horse, great all round horse.

    Anglo-Arabs their good.

    Holstein is a good riding horse and have a classy look.

    Andalusian I like very much.

    Check these horses out. Do a little research, but if ya need to plow a field, I'd buy a draft horse or a mule...

  3. Stallions suck. I own an 11 month old stud colt, and he's the most ornery, dangerous little booger you'll ever meet. He reared up at me once and sliced my palm open with his hoof....he charges at people, kicks, bites, and if you don't keep a good hold and an eye on him, he'll literally run you down. I personally love geldings....not study like colts and not pms-ey like mares....proud owner of 2! (not counting my studly boy who we I named typical, huh?)

  4. Egyptian  Arabians are very pretty but jumpy fast horses good show horses a good colors are dappled Grey ,pinto and bay  

    and i like mares most of the school males are suborn and scare people but i like that in a horse thats what makes it fun but only in the ring that is

  5. I prefer gelding because they have their mine on racing stallions in mares race good but they are more likely 2 have breeding on their mine

  6. I think Clydestales (or however you spell them) are the most classy and are beautiful.  Plus, they deliver some nice beer.

  7. Thoroghbreds!!!!! They rock especially the ex-racehorses and the current racing ones!! I love mine on the fast and hyper side. if u r asking 4 breeds!!

  8. well geldings are known to be the best beginner's horse. But I've always owned mares (and I'm starting to regret it lol).....but for the breed.....I like quarter horses because they are short and stocky.

  9. I like spotted saddle horses.  They are good to ride, have good smooth gaits that make them easy to ride and smoke my pipe while abord.

  10. Thoroughbreds! But Quarters Horses are up there too!  Those are my two favorites!  I've worked with both Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses in the horse racing industry.

  11. For what? Different breeds for different purposes. Ones with four legs are good, but if you want one to sit, roll over and fetch then buy a dog.

  12. I like mine medium rare.

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