
Which insurance is better?

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just wanted to know which insurance is better? for a couple ages 51 and 50.


Blue Cross Blue Shield 5000 (Nevada)


thank you ! :)




  1. for find best insurance, visit

  2. You can't compare the COMPANY, you have to compare the PLAN.

  3. You need a trusted adviser to help you through the process of purchasing health insurance so that you understand what you are purchasing. Without knowing your financial situation, the condition of your health or how often you seek medical attention this question can not be answered with any degree of certainty.

    Ultimately, only you can determine what is the better plan. The affordability of your health insurance plan will be determined by deciding how much you will participate in sharing the cost of your health care with your insurance company.

    You may choose a plan that covers everything i.e. doctors office visits, prescription drugs, preventative health benefits, maternity coverage and you choose low deductibles and low copays. If so, your monthly premiums will be significant but the coverage may be what you consider is the "best".

    On the other hand if you are healthy and rarely use the health care system you might be able to consider a plan that covers only the major health catastrophe which will result in a relatively low monthly premium. You then can use the monthly premium savings to pay for the occasional doctor visit and still come out ahead. The lower premiums might convince you that you have the "best" policy.

    Check with the agent that writes your home or auto insurance he/she can provide you a health insurance proposal that takes into account your budget and health situation.

  4. i've had lots of bad luck w/bcbs...they suck.

  5. You should compare the quotes and the plans.

    No insurance is the best. There is the only insurance best for you.

    Look at here, there're some suggest may help you.

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