
Which is better: Vancouver or Toronto?

by Guest10925  |  earlier

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I want to move to Canada sometime soon and I don't know where to live. I want to pursue a music career (violinist) and also have a beautiful place to live with a great church. Any ideas? I would be moving from England so anywhere that speaks English (becuase i'm not fluent at French:p)




  1. I have lived in both these cities.As per previous  answers you will find the climate in Vancouver more like the U.K. In Toronto the winters seem to go on for ever(Nov. to April) and they usually get very hot humid summers late August/September.

    Both are very culturally diverse and I have worked with people from all over the World without any problems, in fact I have learnt a great of other cultures.

    Vancouver is great if you like the outdoors. Lots of hiking close to the city. Ski-ing, I used to work downtown and would be ski-ing on Grouse Mountain or Cyprus Bowl half an hour after finishing work! They are flood-lit and you can ski until 11:00 P.M.  Also, lots of wind-surfing, sailing and fishing.

    Lots of beaches if you just want to laze around. Restaurants by the bushel cooking everything under the Sun.

    I don't know where you will get work. there is the Vancouver Symphony  Orchestra based at the Orpheum Theartre,the CBC Radio Orchestra.

    There are two churches downtown. Christ Church Cathedral (Anglican) and the Caholic Cathedral(they have Bells if you are a ringer like me) They are not as architecturally as interesting as what you will find in the U.K. as Vancouver was only founded in 1886 so nothing is old.

    It's a lovely place to live but can feel a bit isolated out on the Pacific coast.It takes about 9 hours to fly to U.K. Seattle,USA is nearest big city and is about 130 miles away.

    Hope this is of use.

    Good Luck

  2. I shall think in Vancouver.

    It is the magnificent city which is situated near the Pacific Ocean and it is the city which has for official language English as province of British Columbia.

    Visit the Web site of this city.

    Vancouver :

    British Columbia :

    Toronto is a city French-speaking and English-speaking as the province of Ontario, then goes to Vancouver.

  3. I've been to both Toronto and Vancouver and they're both great cities. For the scenery and somewhere a little quieter I would advise Vancouver. Skiing is up the road (Whistler or Grouse Mountain) you can get to the islands pretty easily via ferry or plane. If you find Vancouver is too quiet then Toronto has a bigger nightlife and arts scene.

    They're both very unique and suit different kinds of people but I would say that Vancouver just beats Toronto as it's got the same amount of diversity but it's got the mountains as well. (I was put on the spot by someone in Toronto the first time I went and still gave the same answer). Toronto suffers from the urban sprawl that you find in so many North American cities.

    I've included links to a couple of my photosets on Flickr that show both cities:

  4. Hmmmm....Vancouver or Toronto??  Both are sprawling, metropolitan areas with diverse cultures and opportunities.  If you are looking for moderate weather, then Vancouver is your choice, as Toronto definitely has a winter season (lots of snow and sub-freezing temps in winter) whereas Vancouver is very moderate throughout the year.  

    As far as career opportunity, both cities offer great choices.

    Each has great musical venues, concert halls, and both are fairly close to the American border, if that is at all part of your criteria.  American movie producers often use both cities as locations to film their movies.

    I think Toronto is probably a little more hectic and fast-paced than Vancouver; the latter is probably a teeny more laid-back, as much as you can say a large city can be "laid back".  The scenery and mountains in Vancouver offer gorgeous views, whereas Toronto and Ontario, for that matter, are pretty flat and boring.

    As far as language, both are basically English speaking.  Only when you get into Quebec (Montreal, Quebec City, etc.) would you have any kind of a problem with language barriers.

    Don't know if this helps you, but as a Canadian resident (Ontario born and Vancouver visited) this is my perspective of the two cities.

  5. well.. this answer may be a little basis... i've lived in vancouver for over 16 years and loves it there but now that i am married to an american, we are living in the carribean and i miss home very very much!... the multi-culture there is great... people from all over the place. the weather is great.. i know for a fact toronto is very cold in the winter time and very hot in the summer time.

    vancouver is very mild in the winter time ranging from 2 - 10 degree most of the time; whereas toronto is alsmost always under -10 degree. and it is absoultly beautiful in the summer in vancouver, average in the mid-20's.  however though, i know toronto's economy is better than vancouver; however, vancouver is catching up with the 2010 olympic. therefore, property is expensive in vancouver now; yet stil selling like hot cakes.  so, if u like great weahter... i would choose vanouver,but if u are looking for opportunity, i would choose toronto.

    i hope my you make ur decision easier

    and good luck with everything.

  6. I can't give you very constructive advice but I can tell you that I went to Vancouver 18 years ago.  What a beautiful place - mountains, fantastic transport system; just a picturesque, lovely place.  I guess you could investigate the virtues of each via the internet.  Good luck on your life changing plans.

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