
Which is heathier grapes or raisins?

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Which is heathier grapes or raisins?




  1. grapes!

  2. not sure, but i would guess fresh grapes are better for you, than raisins.  

  3. I would think grapes b/c I'd think that raisins would have lost some good nutrients.  You know, like boiling certain veggies, the good stuff leaks out into the water...?

  4. I can not comprehend How because the water is dried out the sugar content (the chemical) would increase or decrease..

    " you can not create nor destroy matter "

    but you must believe NOT me,, they must be equal..

  5. raisins are dried grapes, but may have sulfites on them to prevent mildew while drying.

    I don't think either is healthier than another.

  6. Both are OK......but if I'd have to choose then GRAPES cause brands cover they're raisins in glucose and preservatives & that just adds onto the calorie amounts.  

  7. Fresh grapes have more water, so they fill you up faster than raisins... Both are considered healthy.

  8. i think they are both beneficial in differentt ways, grapes especially red or purple have high antidioxant power,raisins are good for you aswell as they are high in iron,  

  9. Odd.

    raisins are grapes without the water content.

  10. If calories consumed is important, bear in mind that grapes by weight are mainly water, so an equal amount would have far fewer calories and nutrients than raisins - backpacking and need the calories/nutrients? Then choose the calorie-dense, easily transportable raisins.

    If you can, please choose organic.  Grapes are a heavily sprayed fruit, the residues of the sprays may be all over raisins if conventionally grown - and most of us don't want to eat dried pesticides.

    Enjoy your organic grapes or raisins, and get healthy.

  11. Any fruit is good for you. but...

    In  terms of weight control, there is no comparison. Fresh fruit is the better choice. You get much more for fewer calories.  A low-calorie food is only a good deal if it fills you up at the end of a serving. The problem with dried fruit is that when the water is removed, it becomes less filling without losing any calories. Dried fruit just becomes sweeter, more concentrated and easier to over-consume. Plus, many producers of dried fruit add sugar, thus increasing their already dense calorie levels.

    In fact, ounce-for-ounce, all types of dried fruit are much higher in calories than their fresh equivalents, because of the water that's lost and the concentration of sugar that is created during the drying process. Take a look at raisins compared with grapes: They have about 73 percent less water than grapes.

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