
Which is more accurate?

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National Weather stations or Local? For example, the Local Weather station says the week will end partly cloudy, and the National Weather station says it will rain with 60% but the local says 30%. Which is right? HELP PLEASE!




  1. Any one location can be correct or close to it. The National Weather Service is usually the best, but obviously not always. Sometimes the locals do a very good job. As for the chance of rain, I would rather believe the NWS, but that's just me. The NWS has plenty of offices scattered across the nation. Each location knows what kind of weather patterns to expect and look more based upon what usually happens each year. The locals probably know more about the nearby region, but may not have better resources and technology.

  2. Almost all local stations get their information from the NWS.  However, since forecasting is not always 100% accurate, to be 'different' a local station may up the % in favor of being cloudy--and still not be wrong.  Regarding precipitation, a funny I heard once; "There's a 100% chance it'll rain over 30% of the area."  

    Anyway, hope this helps.

  3. The local weather is always more accurate. Your local meteorologists pin point your area and study on one area only.  The national weather stations focus on the whole country and not just one particular area.

  4. weather forecasting is a prediction anyways...neither will be 100% accurate and there is no telling which is MORE accurate than the other. either way there is a chance of could rain, or it might not.

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