
Which is more offensive?

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I thought we had reached an all time low when I saw people smearing Palin's children by saying it was her daughter that was pregnant and not her. Then I saw somebody say the daughter was pregnant by her own father. I think that is as low as it gets.

But now I see a whole lot of racist comments toward Obama. And I even see pictures portraying him as a monkey. That is about as freakin' racist as anybody can get.

I don't care whether people vote McCain or Obama, but I really hope those people, on both sides, get lost on the way to the voting booth.




  1. Welcome to Yahoo Answers; Where everyone of all ages partakes in immaturity of the lowest levels.

    I'm as disgusted and disappointed as you. People speak with their bias here.

  2. Has any Republican even mentioned Obamas children, The Liberals are getting desperate they know they made the wrong choice with The muslim

  3. The whole Palin pregnancy thing is intriguing though, if all the stories and pictures going around the internet are true. She did seem to go to quite a few lengths to hide the pregnancy. I do not want to believe it, but it sure is interesting!

  4. I am guessing they were not smart enough to register to vote in the first place.  

  5. Apparently when these cretins sit at home on their butts, they are watching far too much Jerry Springer and are believing it to be true.  We must pity them for their tiny brains will never get any bigger and they will go through like as ignorant tomorrow as they were the day before.  

  6. Don't take the fun out of this idiotic process called election. There are enough righteous people around.

  7. Did you ever expect a racist pig like Obama worshipping in a place where they ask God to d**n America to run a clean campaign

  8. Most of these comments come from juveniles,who are not even old enough to vote.

  9. if we like it or not.the people who do not like people of color will never ever vote for a black man.this is just a fact.

  10. I haven't seen anything racist toward Obama in this section of Yahoo!Answers yet.  I don't hate him because he's black.  I hate himbecause I don't like the people that he associates with.  His friends are all terrorists and unpatriotic.  I have heard him and his friends make racial comments about white people (which is okay I'm guessing).  And I don't think we need someone like this to run the country.

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