
Which is most challenging??

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I am curious which sport you people find the most challenging...

Please give a reason why as well.








  1. hmm, i would have to say basketball. most of it is because thats one of the only sports i suck at. (: but its like if youre short, its harder. and you need to have good balance and good aim. and those are traits people really have to work on.

  2. Swimming, it requires SO much more. Your entire body has to be in shape.

  3. soccer. i'm not much of a fan for soccer. i can somewhat play basketball, and i'm on the tennis and swimming team, so those aren't difficult for me. but i just can't stand soccer. you get kicked and squashed and all that stuff. ouch!(:

  4. d.) SWIMMING

    u use ur entire body  nd u have to be fit to be a gud swimmer. tennis is jus being able to hit the ball to the other side of the net

  5. swimming, i guess. you have to work out like every muscle in your body! but it's also the funnest for me =D

  6. Tennis.  You have to be in shape because there is a lot of running to do if you are playing competitively.  I'm not a swimmer but I think that is probably really challenging too.

  7. basketball was the most challenging for me, but that because i made the team, not knowing what the h**l i was doing,

    but out of all sports, cheerleading and football was the hardest for me,

    ya try being the only girl on a football team,


  8. Hmm, I'd have to say either Soccer or Basketball because Soccer, you have to keep the ball around you *hand eye cordination* and basketball make the basket.

  9. because you have so much time to breath

  10. tennis and basketball - aim and arm strength

    soccer- leg power  

    head power


    speed agility


    swimming- oh look at me i fishy

  11. Tennis its fun but the outs hurt and its hard to keep it in

  12. Tennis. it requires much effort and practice. but Chess is the most challenging sport in the world. it requires a lot of analysis and thinking.

  13. Swimming is the most challenging. swimming will make you use muscles you didnt think you had.

  14. Sitting in the bleachers really takes all my energy.....

  15. Challenging in what way?


    Hardest to become good at?

  16. Tennis was ranked as one of the hardest sports to play (which I personally don't believe) because not only does it require strong physique, but also skill and concentration more so then basketball or soccer.

  17. i think tennis the hardest because your opponent can hit it very powerful and its a big court to cover.

  18. Swimming. Because it really give u overall exercise!!

  19. A-because you have to run and score wich is really hard

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