
Which is our greater obligation?

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Domestic security and economic stability and growth?

The well being of the peoples of Afghanistan and Iraq, etc., along with our standing in the world?




  1. The first option is a contradiction in terms. You cannot have economic stability and simultaneously have economic growth. Economic growth means a growth in the level of consumption, which precludes stability. Furthermore, with fewer resources available to an ever-growing world population, economic growth is not something that can be sustained for much longer. (Perhaps it can in some countries where people are living on less than a dollar a day, but not in the US where most people do not consume in a sustainable way.) Economic stability means economic sustainability, which means sustainable consumption vs production.

    Domestic security, likewise, is part of a bigger picture. The US, as a part of the world, cannot be secure so long as there remain volatile, nondemocratic states in the world. The way to bring democracy to nondemocratic states however is not the way the US government has been going about it. The US should be part of an international effort to democratize the world through diplomacy and economic incentives. Going it alone and playing the role of world police is just asking to make enemies.

    In conclusion, both of these things (the domestic and the foreign) are connected. However, the US should focus primarily on its internal affairs and not be trying to single-handedly democratize the world.

  2. Are we our brother's keeper?

    It seems like that question has been asked before.

  3. Your standing in the world?

    Maybe you haven't noticed, but A LOT of people aren't to fond about you.

    And you don't have economic stabilty!

  4. our standing in the world should be considered as crucial by these political fools

    i think Ben Franklin said, "Those who would trade liberty for security, deserve neither"

  5. Decode this lyrics " Heaven is a place on earth"

    The ruling, leading and guiding living human kind to be a  "Better man" to be the Son of God in time.

    Vital for the survival and advancement of living human kind in time.

    For the good of mankind.

    In making this world a better place to live.

    With the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men in time.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  6. our greater obligation is to look out for us.

    but we should stop meddling in other countries' affairs as far as trying to FORCE democracy. that only leaves us isolated in the world

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