
Which is the most poluting country?

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Which is the most poluting country?






  3. China.

  4. the U.S.A is the most polluting country overall, not China. China is second. google co2 emissions and you will find out

  5. china is the most populated country

    top 10 populatted countries are

    1. china with 1317million people

    2. india with 1130 million

    3. u.s with 302 million

    4. indonesia 224 million

    5. brazil 187million

    6.pakistan 168million

    7. nigeria 162million

    8.russia 143million

    9.bangladesh 137million

    10.japan 129million

    WORLD=6606 million people

  6. USA or China

  7. What about India?

  8. United States.

  9. Depends how you measure it.

    The USA has the largest emissions of CO2 per capita. This is particularly crazy, since so much of the emissions should be avoidable. For example, why should every home in Phoenix, AZ (which has 350 days of sunshine per year) have a huge tumble dryer?

    China has, I believe, the largest total emissions of most pollutants and CO2. However, they are currently producing cheap consumer goods for the developed world. It is a bit rich for the countries in the west to fuss about China's record of pollution when they are providing China with preferential terms for exporting their goods, and buying them as fast as they can. If you think that China is harming the world, stop buying Chinese-manufactured goods!

    My answer, then, is regardless of which country it is, if this is something that concerns you then think about your impact.

  10. China.  

    The United States?  Not even close.

  11. a developed country is the one....

  12. 1) America

    2) China

  13. USA is close,

    we don't know of the rubbish they are sneakily getting rid of also

  14. The Top 10 most polluted places for 2006, in alphabetical order by country:

    Linfen, China, where residents say they literally choke on coal dust in the evenings.

    Haina, Dominican Republic, has severe lead contamination because of lead battery recycling, a problem common throughout poorer countries .

    Ranipet, India, where leather tanning wastes contaminate groundwater with hexavalent chromium, made famous by Erin Brockovich, resulting in water that apparently stings like an insect bite.

    Mailuu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan, home to nearly 2 million cubic meters of radioactive mining waste that threatens the entire Ferghana valley, one of the most fertile and densely populated areas in Central Asia that also experiences high rates of seismic activity;

    La Oroya, Peru, where the metal processing plant, owned by the Missouri-based Doe Run Corporation, leads to toxic emissions of lead;

    Dzerzinsk, Russia, one of the country's principal chemical weapons manufacturing sites until the end of the Cold War [image];

    Norilsk, Russia, which houses the world's largest heavy metals smelting complex;

    Rudnaya Pristan, Russia, where lead contamination resulted in child blood lead levels eight to 20 times maximum allowable U.S. levels;

    Chernobyl, Ukraine, infamous site of a nuclear meltdown 20 years ago; and

    Kabwe, Zambia, where child blood levels of lead are five to 10 times the allowable EPA maximum [image].

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