
Which is worse...?

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90 degrees and high humidity like in OH, or 105 degress and low humidity, like in AZ?




  1. I like the high humidity for the following reasons:

    1) at night it is still warm

    2) when you get out after swimming water evaporates slower....the faster water evaporates the colder you feel

    3) dry air will dry out your skin

  2. The humidity is worse. You feel sweaty even in the shade. I used to live in a humid climate and you couldn't sleep at  night -it was awful! Arizona heat is better. It's hot but the sweat evaporates off your skin quickly. It cools at night, but it's still comfortable to sit ouside,

  3. I'd have to say the humidity is worse.  I live in Western PA where it can be very humid, and I've been to Texas where it was 110 degrees with 0 humidity.  

    It gets too humid, it's hard to breathe.
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