
Which jobs make the most money?

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I'm 13 & I'm very smart (never got a B, & I'm on the honor roll) and I want to get a job that makes a lot of money when I'm out of college, and right now I can pretty much go to any college. So, which jobs basically can easily make millions or just a lot of money? *Like, what should I study in college and make a career in to make a lot of money?? Thanks sooo much!

(and if all else fails I'll just marry a celebrity [; )




  1. Business is where the money is... they have the potential to make more than doctors... there's no job where you can start out making millions, unless you become very good as a day trader on the stock market... once you get a masters in business, you're going to be doing pretty well... if you have ideas, you can start your own company, and if you're successful with that, then you'll be making big time money! Whatever you decide, GOOD LUCK!!!  

  2. Every career has high earners and low earners.  

    What you want is a career you will excel in. If you're the best in you're field, you'll be making lots of money.  

    To excel in a career it helps to be very motivated by what you do.

  3. Just remember that wealth takes time to build.  It's not what you make that counts, it's what you keep, so be sure from the very first paycheck to pay yourself first in some sort of investment account i.e. mutual funds.

  4. you can start with this list.

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