
Which mermaid spell should i use?

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I have seen 2 spells for becoming a mermaid and they do both work, this is the first one:

Magic spirits of the deep

i would like a tail not two feet

beauty be upon me

fish all kinds let me see

when i'm finished in the sea

when i'm dry my feet return to me

This is the second one:

Insouciant inclemency

Redoubtable mediocracy

Refutable humanity

Make me what I wish to be…


Witches one and witches all

Give this power to me

The first one sounds ok but the second one sounds more realistic,

the second one has bad side effects but the first one dosent

plz plz plz help, i dont know which spell to use!!

Oh, and if u r going 2 make a joke out of my question and tell me "I m on drugs" or "there is no such thing" then dont bother answering because i will just ignore your comment.




  1. Mermaids rule!

  2. I like mermaids too. Does this spell work on men too?

  3. You'll forget all about this when you turn 10.

  4. May I ask how exactly you plan to preform this spell?

  5. the first one   email  me tell me how to do it plz   plz  plz

  6. i think u shuld try both just to b safe oh and i have tryed the first one and all i could do is heat up water and freeze stuff and i swear on the bible im not making a joke oh and email me at for the 2nd spell how to do it

  7. THIS DOES NOT WORK! i tried both you loser!

  8. this is all very well ....but I am worried.......? will you get a set of gills

    and whereabouts would you get em..?

    and could your lungs still breathe in air..

    or would the water wreck em..?

    a mermaids what you want to be

    .....but do you really know.?

    will you lose your private parts

    .....what if you want to .."..go..?.."

    then if you see a nice merman

    ......and if you wish to mate..?

    ...whats the situation there

    .....can you procreate..?

    Ive thought about this problem

    while standing on the sand

    now I suggest you keep both spells

    ....and firmly stay on land..!!

  9. Shapeshifting is a pretty old motif in magic. Most thaumaturgic systems of thought have some mention of it. I have to say though I've never come across an INCANTATION to turn you into something else. A quick rhyme and you're done? That's ridiculous. Can you fathom the complexities involved in fundamentally altering your form? Try both and I guarantee they won't work.

    If you're genuinely interested in this I'd look a bit deeper into some of the older mystical arts. The Egyptian sorcerers knew a far bit about the fluidity of forms - perhaps start there. Or if you genuinely have a mermaid fixation, look to your Ancient Mycenaean scrolls in which they first appear: prayers to deities such as Poseidon (god of the sea), Circe (a demi-god closely associated with shapeshifting) or Hecate (the goddess of witches) along with an offering (a sacrifice or something similar) would be more likely to work. Above all though you need to learn to tap into your Gnostic State - pushing your mind from the physical to the metaphysical, symbolised in the opening of the "third eye", the pineal gland, to achieve union with the aetheric plane / the psychic entities that dwell there. This can usually be achieved through entheogens or meditation, perhaps a combination of both. Chants such as the one you list above originated as part of the meditation process - they were designed to be repeated ad infinitum (hence they usually rhyme to help the speaker to memorise) so the "magician" can slip into a self-hypnotised state.

    Honestly, words by themselves have very little arcane power. You're welcome to try though.

  10. They both sound very intimate. Make sure they're safe and go for it. I'd try the first one first. It sounds very much like the stories I hear again and again

  11. you said you know they both work, how do you know if you havent done either yet?

    I like the first one

    Say hello to Nemo for me

  12. Do the people you know smell like fish too?

  13. the first one, do you know anyother spells??


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