
Which one Target or Tarshay?

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Half the white ppl in my area call target "tarshay" i dont get it. Why do they make it sound all french and high priced when it is another walmart? Do you call it tarshay aswell if so why???????




  1. I hate that store.  The employees dress like a bunch of hoodlum gang-bangers, don't give you the time of day.  The customers dress better than the employees.  And they would always charge me wrong for everything so goodbye c**p store.

  2. Its bloody Target. Don't let them bastardise the English language any more!..

  3. Just call it what it REALLY is, TARGET

    If they want to call it Tarshay, then there's something wrong with them that or they're in denial of shopping there.

  4. I call it both. I don't know why I say Tarshay... I think it's just cause I heard other people say it before and I just got used to it. I don't know why people actually call it that though. lol

  5. i call it tarshay but here in Florida that's whats common. I don't see why its a big deal. Call it what ever u want but its not snobbish its just ok 2 say. No biggie!

  6. Babydoll, why are you making a big deal out of it? I live in the south. I'm from the south and you must be in the south because that's the only place I've ever heard it said that way. It's just another way of making fun of high-priced places when you can get almost the exact same thing at a place that's called "Target." Making it sound foreign is a JOKE and not to be taken seriously. So, seriously (pun intended), calm down with it. It's just a joke. A way to say "poe-tay-toe" or "poe-to-toe." Just with the name of a bargain-store.

    -Later Gator-

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