
Which one should i choose?

by  |  earlier

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sorry this doesnt have much to do with horses. But i want to choose a very good photo of my friends mare foal. This person is going to put the photos together, a photo of the foal, and a photo of the mare. Since the mare died after giving birth to the foal, they will never have a photo of them together. So i wanted to do this. Im also making a drawing, and writing a short story for them.

Here are the two i want to choose from. Which one do you think will be best? mom

i want to add that photo together with one of the foal photos.




  1. well, if you want to use that picture of the mum, i would use the third photo of the foal.  Since the mom looks relaxed and happy in the picture, i would match the foals mood so they look cohesive, hence using the picture of the foal sleeping..

    but, if you don't want to have the foal sleeping i would say the 4th picture.  It would also look good, i just feel like theres two different moods between the mom and foal, but at the same time.. they don't have to have the same mood!

    but, for the 4th picture crop it so that there isn't as much grass around it.. it'll look weird with the moms picture..

  2. I like #1 the best. It is close up and would be easy to merge into one with the mother. The other ones look to off... one is to far away and looks weird because of the fly mask and in another she looks kinda dead.

  3. I like the forth one. The mare died? Ugg. now I am crying.

  4. Use the 1st one and erase the background surrounding the foal, make his clip smaller, and put it in the bottom right of the mare's pic. Sorry to hear about mama, that's always sad.

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