
Which one would you take?

by  |  earlier

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1) black rose

2) red rose

3) yellow rose

4) green rose

5) blue rose

or if u have another color u would want.




  1. a gold rose

  2. I love yellow and orange roses. They're so pretty!

  3. white

  4. White roses have always done it for me. So pure and elegant.

  5. i'd actually go for the reddish/orange rose sumthin very sensual about it...unless it a was dude that gave it to me..then i'd have to kick his @$$( yeah it's 2008 and i'm still a lil homophobic) unless he looked like damone from that HGTV show 10 years younger that dude is F@#$% gorgeous..ahem no-homo!

  6. i am a man that works in a flower shop.  assuming this is for a girl: my personal experience says the red represents love (might not want to give the wrong impression)  black is kind of depressing, no 'real' green or black rose.  personally i would give yellow rose or if i am serious, then red.

    My personal favorite is the orange spray (smaller roses but with many blossoms on 1 stem)

  7. Purple.

  8. Purple, fuschia, or turquoise.

  9. White rose....but a blue rose would be unique!


  10. purple I love purple

  11. black or blue (blue is fav color)

  12. My favorite is pink, the paler the better.

    Hey, Ross, I work in a flower shop, too, and once we got in these funky lime-green roses. They were pretty cool but we couldn't sell them because everyone wanted the more traditional colors.

  13. black

  14. Red

  15. My wife loves roses,but i hate the thorns,so you keep them all!

  16. i would take any color as long as the person whos giving it was giving it from his heart.

  17. 5) blue rose

  18. Yellow rose!!! im dangerously in love with yellow!!!

  19. A yellow rose! How beautiful.

    What if roses were yellow,

    And violets were green.

    Everyone mellow,

    And nobody mean.

  20. White roses are my favorite.  Blue would be cool.  I don't like red roses because they are so common.

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