
Which parrot?

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we want a parrot that is not to demanding (i need time to play with my other pets). But we also want one that will live a long time. Parrots that seem nice are green-cheeked conures, cockatiels, parrotlets, and quakers. I once met a timineh african grey in the pet store that was one of the nicest birds I have ever come across. Feel free to suggest any species as I am stuck on so many wonderful birds. I have kept button quail and chickens, plus I have done my homework so many times on parrots. We really don't want a budgie, something larger with a longer life span would be great.




  1. It really is a personal choice.  There are many variables.  How much time you want to spend, how demanding, your living arrangements, your noise tolerance and those of the other members of your family etc etc.

    Here is a list of some birds mentioned and pros and cons.  It is best to do your own research on several breeds and then decide.  You can also volunteer at an area rescue to get some real hands on experience!

    conures -  playful but nails on chalkboard loud and irritating, (green cheeks aren't too loud)

    african greys - great talkers, usually attach to one person and can have many phobias, prone to plucking

    amazons  - laid back, require less attention, good for those working, but can be aggressive and may attach to one person only

    meyers, red bellies and senegals (phoicephelous) - nice but can be prone to nervousness, can also have high pitch screams

    parrotlets - very small can talk somewhat but can be fun

    cockatiels - can talk somewhat, not typically too loud

    quakers - fun, smart, loud and aggressive.

    Best to spend some time with a species you are considering before purchasing as you said you want one that lives a long time and you will be with it for a long time!

    Good Luck,

    Nancy Danels

    Parrot Adopt Southern Ontario

  2. Parrots are high maintenance pets. Any Grey Timineh or a Congo require attenion a lot of it to stay sweet and loving. If not the grow mean and bite.

    Another over looked parrot is a Meyers. They are hard to find but they are sweet little guys. About as big as a Quaker or a Conure but without the noise... I would look into these guys.

  3. The only thing I can say is dont get a female eclectus. They are bipolar and moody. I used to have one.

  4. Instead of becoming set on just one specific type of parrot, go to a pet store, and see which one you connect with the most, usually there will be two, so then get a sales person and ask your questions. Chemistry is more important than technical aspects.

  5. which ever one fits you

  6. First, disregard all comments saying don't get this, or don't get that.  A bird is a personal decision, and it has to be one only you can make.  While we can give you suggestions on the amount of work, time, and care you have to put into certain species, only you can decide what bird is right for you.  

    African greys, if you can devote the time, are amazing.  That being said, I've been around one that hated almost everyone.  It all depends on how you treat them.  I had a pair of Senegals that were fun, but mean to everyone else.  Its very individual specific, as far as bird behavior goes.  Some in a species are great, others are mean, usually it has something to do with the keeper.  

    If you're looking for a good parrot to start out with, any of the Poicephalus species are excellent, as are the Conures.  Both groups can learn to talk, are usually very good with people, and are medium sized to small sized parrots.  If you want really small, check out the parrotlets and lovebirds.  Lovebirds are some of my favorite birds, a very large parrot packed into a tiny parrots body.  Excellent birds, and can live up to 20-25 years.

  7. What ever you do don't go to a petstore! Find a breeder or someone who will give you a baby or something. Petstores take such horrible care of thier animals. Look it up a little on the internet and you'll find some devistating pics. They keep them in a giant warehouse in bins where they are left to pluck out their feathers, and then shipped in gaint trucks to petstores to be sold to dumb people who have no idea what they are doing. Sry as you can tell it makes me angry..

  8. i would suggest any of the blue fronted amazon or  somewhere in that family. they are a bit demanding, but all they really want is for you to talk to them(mine squaks in the morning until were all up, which is a really good thing if you accidentally sleep in! they do make messes in their cages, not really a big deal, and of course you have to change their water at least daily or every other day, like any other animal.

    and to make sure you get alone time, just pick him or her up and set her on your lap while you watch tv and shell be content!

  9. As it was said you wouldn't give him much time Macaws are not the right choice definitely They need much attention & need to be out cause of their social character Probably a congo african gray (which is more beautiful than Timneh ) is what you are seeking for

  10. I've never had a parrot but i've done a lot of research. African Grays are great birds but they are expensive and are high maintnance. if i got a parrot i would probably get a Quaker.

  11. I actually have a pacific parrotlet AND a quaker. Both of them are lovely birds to keep. My parrotlet(pacific) is a female, so is not a talked, and does not have the brilliant blue markings on her cheeck. On the other hand, my female quaker is a chatter. She can repeat words right after you say them, and apparently it is like that for all quakers. My breeder's quakers wouldnt stop talking.

    But all in all, I would say a quaker is your best choice. They are a small/medium bird (my quaker is a big girl,so medium/large) with a life span of about 15-20 years. They are very affectionate (love to cuddle), and can pick up word on a whim.

  12. Aww, what's wrong with a budgie? They're not too demanding, and in spite of the size they are genuine parrots.

    Pretty much all larger parrots are demanding pets.

  13. an african grey!thats the best bird you could get!african greys are so nice and super smart!they can say 400-700 words and there so active and funny.they need lots of attention and love.there very expensive to own and there very high mantence.they cost about 1,000-1,200 dollars not including there cage wich ranges from about  600$ and toys probally be about 100$-200$ if you buy they right amount of toys.and there food is about 20$ mounthly!as you see you need to give it alot of attention and alot of money for them i hope you did your research on there prices but i bet you have.i highly recomend this bird it wont cost as much as all the prices i said you can get great prices on them.i hope i didnt scare you...good luck!

  14. Cockatiels are the most amazing pets you could ask for! I have two and they are both about eight years old. Cockatiels are great pets because they can be the easiest pet in the world or they can be very demanding(only if you want it to do tricks); it all depends on what you want out of them. If you just want a companion to tame and love then they are very simple. They require very little time out of your day if you are busy. They can be very time consuming pets if you would like them to do tricks. My bird does several tricks, the one that people like the most is when he sings the Andy Griffith song! Cockatiels live anywhere from 16-30 years on average, depending on their diet and exercise. If you do choose to get a cockatiel you need to get one from a breeder! not a pet store! you will save money and be guaranteed a good, well raised bird. You also want to get a hand-fed bird. these will be tame and will take to you very very quickly! I would suggest getting a male because they are the ones that you can teach to talk and sing. They are also usually much more colorful than females! If by some chance you choose to get more than one, make sure you get two of the same s*x unless you want to become a breeder yourself! i have done this and it is very time consuming and there are high risks! it is a rewarding experience tho!  Good luck!

  15. I recamend a cockatiel. I have one and they are laid-back but loving. They can live up to 25 years! A cockatiel is best for you. You should research them or other birds before desiding to get one. I hope you like your bird =)

  16. none they all ******* bug. badly.

    i have a umbrella cockatoo and *** much as we love her is as much as wii can hate her when she gets screaming, wanting, hungry or just simply hates the person who walked in.

  17. African Gray Parrots are real great with speaking and have a long life span and you need to get the one that is an opposite s*x so it wont bite u much!

  18. Maybe a yellow nape! or an African Grey
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