
Which pet is right for me?

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I'm 14 years old and a freshman in highschool. I want to get a pet to be a companion to me but I don't know which pet would be right for me. I have about 2 hours a day to spend with a pet and money isn't an issue! Any ideas?




  1. Maybe a pet fish. I have one and they're alright. Just feed and watch. Real easy and not much money. 2 Hours is enough.

  2. fish!



  3. small dog

  4. i would get a guinea pig!!!

  5. it depends on your life style and how much your willing to work or spend with the pet you can take this quiz it may help                    

  6. I'm assuming this is your first personal pet? I'd suggest starting out smaller. How would you feel about a rat? Rats are actually very social and friendly! Since they live mostly in their cage, they wouldn't be a HUGE commitment. However, rats will also get out and wander around and play if you want them to! (When they grow out of the baby phase, they will even sit on your lap or shoulder calmly.)

    If you don't like rats though (shame shame) I would suggest either a bird or chinchilla. They take a little more "maintenance" than a rat would, but like a rat they live in cages but will also get out and socialize. Birds are very smart and some can learn to talk. (I'd suggest a cockatiel-the typical singing, sit on your shoulder type bird.) And chinchillas are pretty expensive, but I have never seen a chinchilla bite anyone ever. They are so cuuuute. 0.o Plus they are super soft.

    Well, good luck with your new pet either way! =D

  7. definatly not a dog, cat,chinchilla,rabbit,hamster,rat,or guinea pig.

    how about a nice fish?

    or a hermit crab.

    or a rock?

  8. hamster. all animals need lots of love and care and 2 hours is not enough.

  9. iguana

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