
Which power would you want?

by  |  earlier

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Zues's lightning bolts, Poseidon's trident or Hades power to summon souls?




  1. Poseidon's trident, because I love water!

  2. I was going to say the wisdom of King Solomon but that wasn't in your choices so...none of the above.

  3. i guess id enjoy summomning souls, but wouldnt that be going against natures' way? i mean what if they dont want to be summoned?....but i guess i could have a short convo lol

  4. None, those powers belong to Immortals for a reason, humans do not have the responsibility to control them or use them properly.

    I'll take Wolverine's healing though, that one I like.

  5. the power to summon souls, I've never wanted the power to destroy things.

  6. Only one of those is really a power.The trident and lightening are mroe hades it is.

  7. hades because i would have power over everyone and everything that died

  8. This would depend on the reason for giving the power. What would be the price of it? What responsibility would I wield?

    Throughout mythologies in all cultures, there have been people who have been given awesome powers, but with great power comes greater responsibility. Without this responsibility, only misery can result, as people who are not ready for this kind of power will generally go on a kind of a "power trip" and learn that having the powers is really more trouble than it's worth.

  9. I don't think I'm ready for any of those powers.

  10. i have all




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