
Which produces more pleasure..?

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To love or to be loved?




  1. although i do love the feeling i get when my bf shows how much he loves me, i prefer feeling it towards him, knowing that if he ever needs someone, no matter what i'll be there. in a way knowing that if it was ever needed i could happily 'mother' him in a way without feeling used. god its so hard to explain, i just love knowing i love someone.

  2. being loved is the consequence of love. 2 be loved by people, freinds.... is the consequence of ones love. sometimes it does not matter if somepeople love or donot love u cause what really matters is that u care and love them. the problem is not urs it is theirs. There is a famous saying here in my country 4 "Jubran Khalil Jubran" a famous writer, thinker and poet: He says that " If u loved, u truely loved, do not say that God is in my heart, but say that i am in God's heart"

  3. Not in the romantic sense, but to do things for people you love is better than for them to do for you.

  4. False dilemmas are always interesting to observe. Pleasure is subjective and both will be considered true by different people. For some, both are not a source of pleasure. Those who have felt loved generally don't concern themselves with the need or desire to seek love or to be loved.

    Both produce a lower level of pleasure of about the same amount. There are many things that I find more pleasurable than either of these two options.

  5. They both are wonderful sources of pleasure but only if both are present. because imagine you love some one that doesnt love you or the other way around having to be smoothered by love from a person you dont even like let alone love.

    but to answer your question (b/c i do have both sources in my life) i prefer the feeling to love b/c of how it makes you feel warm and meaningful. its just pure joy.

    To show the person you love of exactly how you do love them is the most accomplishing feeling ever.

  6. To be loved produces more pleasure but doesn't mean that to be loved is better. I believed we are selfish by nature, but we grow up to pass that, to be more than just natural, we learn to love, we choose to love more than to be loved, knowing that to love is the higher path.

    But let be honest to our selves, do you like to love when the one you love hurt you, mock you or simply ignore you. Isn't it much more pleasure to be loved than to love in this case?

    Don't you feel tired, when you do many things for someone you love and all she/he does is ask more?

    And I believe it is just natural to feel that way. And I guess this is what St John trying to say when he said, "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins."

    Because it is our tendency to love ourselves, not to love other, it is our tendency to choose to be loved than to love. Only after we enlighten by the fact that God love us, in such a way that so extreme, that we learn to love. But the knowledge, the faith that God loved us so much, to be loved in that way bring so much joy and love, that this joy and love not just filled our life but this joy sprout, spilled everywhere, to people around us.

    Some people have so much faith, much knowledge in this love that they do great things, based on love.

    Only after we are touched by love that we learn to love.

    From my experience people who grow up in a family where love is abundant (love not spoiling) are easier to love rather than those who hardly touched by love. So which one produces more pleasure? My answer is to be loved.

    But which one is better? My answer will be to love.

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