
Which rat: Hairless or Furry?

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I'm getting a baby rat next week, they're dumbo's. The babies are all energetic and hyper. They look healthy too. Which one is better hairless or furry? Do hairless rats need more attention and care?





  1. no they dont. if i were you, id look at them and pick the one thats steals your heart and is healthy

  2. hairless rats need a bit more attention because they don't have fur to keep warm so you have to make sure the temperature isn't too cold.

    and because they dont have fur, their skin is more vulnerable so make sure they have a hiding place to cover from the light

  3. No hairless rats dont need more attention. And when you go to the pet store look at all the rats hairless, and furry and then decide which one is just perfect for you. Pick the one that just makes you happy from the time u see it! Good luck! =)

  4. well personally i'd go with a hairless one. you dont have to deal with the slight chance of fleas or anything..but that is a personal choice, do what you feel is good. and hairless rats are cuter ;]

  5. If i were you id get furry but if you want furry then id get a hamster but all babies are hairless, but try to get a healthy one hairless and furry both are almost the exact same (besides the fur thing) so just get whatever you think is the cutest and try to pick a friendly healthy one  

  6. Yes they do require more attention because they don't have hair. You need to make sure that there are plently of blankets around and that the temperature doesn't get too cold for them. It's best if you buy 1 hairless and 1 furry so the furry one can keep the hairless one warmer.

    Hairless rats also have more sensitive skin and are prone to dry skin and skin infections. You need to make sure that their skin is always looking healthy and not flaky and dry.

    Other than that, they are exactly the same.

    Good luck.

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