
Which registry program is right?

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my dad bought registry mechanic by PC Tools a few months ago, and it has worked problem free. I wanted to try a different registry cleaner, and downloaded the free version of RegCure. RM found 19 errors, while RC found 2969 errors. Which program is right? Are they both right? Is RegCure better than Registry Mechanic? Or is RC being missleading?




  1. i asked dell and they said they are useless, especially on xp..any free version is going to tell you ,you have alot of errors so you buy their product.if you have xp you can do it yourself .. i dont mean edit the registry , that would be fatal ..i mean clean and speed it up , get more memory space and all..

  2. All such programs are wrong. The best won't hurt; the worst are snake oil.

  3. I use RegistryFix and very happy for the result :)

  4. RegCure will only remove / clean a few items unless you buy the full version.  A very good free version is RegSeeker.  You can do a search for this and download. Not only will it clean your registry but perform registy backups, tweeks, shows startup entries.etc. I have no interest in this product but it works like a charm for free!  Good Luck.

  5. Honestly, registry cleaners are rarely usefull. And if you do use one then you should only use it no more then once a year.

      Certain registry cleaners will find more errors then others, but also some false claims as well.

      Make sure you backup your system before any registry tweeking. Which is why i dont recommend cleaning the registry very often. Normally, most problems can be fixed outside the registry.

    good luck.

  6. i use reg cure and would pick that over reg mechanic,but both programs r good or try ccleaner its a free download,just google it

  7. the most leading registry program is regcure

    i dont like registry cleaners at all anymore though...

    i will only use it if my computer becomes insanely slow...

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