
Which senior picture should I chose??

by  |  earlier

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I really like both of these pictures (I'm not the most photogenic person, but w/e) for my senior picture, but I don't know which one to chose.

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  1. second one cuz we can see your face better

  2. I like the first one. It makes you look sophisticated and is timeless and gorgeous. Beautiful girl you are!

  3. You look more modelish and proffesional in the first!!!!! Very pretty

  4. I love the first one, looks more like a professional magasine picture! You dont ever see celebs with full face pics however some how you pull it off!

  5. i like the first one :)

  6. Trust me because I nkow photography. The second one is the average yearbook picture. It's dull and looks like they plastered a fake smileon you. The first is much more unique. It makes you look fun, loveable, adorable, playful. It's your senior picture so make it memorable. Hope this helped.

  7. HMMMM..... I'm thinking I LOVE THE 2ND!!!

  8. Well out of those 2 I would choose the second one but neither are that interesting sorry. If you can you should get them redone to show your personality!!

  9. I like the first one it's more interesting

  10. What do you mean "not photographic". You are very pretty, great smile. I like the second pic. It shows your face and that beautiful smile!

  11. o well me personally i love the first one bc u can see ur pretty face better and it is a lot more prettier then the first pic

  12. The second one.

    When people look at their yearbook in ten years (they will, trust me) they'll  actually remember who you were because they can see your face and beautiful smile and not hair and a shoulder.

  13. The second one looks more natural.  This is the one that should go in your yearbook.  The first one might be good to have, too, to keep at home.  It looks too posed for the book, but it is a pretty picture, too

  14. you look pretty in both, but your eyes draw more attention in the second.

    very nice =]

  15. I like the first one a lot better. It has a little more personality.

  16. The first one because I think it shows more personality, and that you are beautiful from any view :P

  17. the second one, the emphasis is on your face and your smile, the first one just shows off your hair, looks like something posted  at a beauty salon but not good for a senior picture.

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