
Which set of dresses?

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I'm getting married on Jan. 2nd, 2009. I already selected my dress, but I need help with my bridesmaids, jr. bridesmaid, flower girls and MOH's dresses. The whole bridal party and I went out looking today and we found two sets of dresses that look fabulous and we need your help!

Set #1-



Jr. Bridesmaid:

Flower Girls:

Set #2-



Jr. Bridesmaid:

Flower Girls:

(Please don't mix around the dresses, we like them the way they are.)

So which set do you like best?

Thanks in advance!




  1. Set two is really nice, I'd pick that one.  

    Set 1 was nice too, i just didn't care for the flower girl dress.

  2. I like set two best however I dislike the bridesmaid dresses to a small degree.  Love all the others though.

  3. I know you don't want them mixed, but the first set of adult dresses are great.  Hate the flower girl dress.  Love the kid dresses in the 2nd set.  If I had to pick a whole set, then I would go with 2 because of the flower girl dress in 1.

  4. I prefer set one.  The dresses seem more classic and pretty, but also use less bunching fabric which would make them more comfortable for the people wearing them.  I didn't however like the flower girl's dress in set 1 very much, but it's just my personal taste of course.

  5. I like the first one and your dress is beautiful and so are the others, very nice.

  6. I like the first set. I think the second set looks odd because two of the gowns have normal skirts and two have bunched skirts (which I hate - they make women look like cupcakes).

    The first set is classy, timeless, and the dresses look like they belong together without being too matchy-matchy.

  7. Definitely number 1! They are absolutely stunning together! Except the flower girl...I am not sure why you would want her to be in a mini wedding dress? Now if it were your daughter wearing it...maybe as she would resemble you? Otherwise I think I would go with a dress that is more for her age.  That is just my opinion about the flower girl, other than have excellent taste!

  8. I like the second set the best.  What color will they be?

  9. i love set #2! I think it's beautiful the styles, cuts, and colors are great! I would go with it!

  10. I prefer set number 2!  I like the Jr. Bridesmaids dress better in set number 2.  The first set is pretty but there is something about set 2 that is more stunning!

    Congrats and Good Luck!

  11. Set one - simply because the second grouping has some pickup skirts in them, and those just aren't flattering to anyone.

  12. Congrats you must be so excited. I like set 2 I think those dresses are all bery beautiful. Good Luck!

  13. Set #1 definitely. I think both flower girl dresses are a little too mature though. I would go with something else. I would have the MOH wear the same dress as the bridesmaids. When they wear something different is distracts the eye and makes the MOH stand out first in the pictures instead of the bride. One of these is more appropriate for the flower girl.

  14. Set one!!  Its it flows better together.... although personally I am not in love with the flower girl dress but I could see it looking nice in the right wedding.  

  15. If i had to choose 1 set of dresses i would choose set #1 mainly b/c if your bridesmaids dresses are straight dresses with no poof at the bottom then your jr. bridesmaid dresses should be the same style...just my opinion. In your second package you have straight dresses for the bridesmaids and a poofy dress for the jr. bridesmaid and i think it just all looks better when they look similar as in the type of dress, but not exactly the same dress.

    I am getting married March 21st 09 and i was looking at the second flower girl dress and first bridesmaid dress. they are so pretty. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the first flower girl dress, but i just think its a little much with the long train and all, pluss you have to think she is going to be in that all night and it will get all dirty on the bottom, and it has got to be heavy for a little girl to wear....right?

  16. As a set, I like the first group better.

    If the MoH dress suits your MoH, go for it.  Personally I couldn't wear that dress.  But if she likes it, that's awesome.

    I love the bridesmaids' and junior bridesmaid dresses.  The flower girl's is a little too "adult" in my opinion.  The little girl should be a little girl, not a mini bride.  (Again, just my opinion!)

    The second set..

    The MoH dress actually looks like it has a bit of a train.  And in that white-ish color, it COULD look bridal-esq.

    I like the bridesmaids

    The jb's looks too old.  Again, these girls are too young to be bridesmaids, why dress them to look older?

    The flower girl's is cute but old.

  17. Second set is cute.. and GOOOD LUCK in Jan 2nd 2009!!!
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