
Which soda do you prefer?

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Disgustingly sweet crappy border line vomitious Pepsi, or delicious soul saving pure cold mind blowing Coke?




  1. Neither, I drink the generic Wal-Mart brand Dr. Thunder

  2. have to say a BIG ice cold cup of water.

  3. DIE PEPSI! YOU ARE AN IMPOSTER AND NO ONE LIKES YOU!. i like coke if you can tell

  4. cHeRRy COKE!

  5. You can drown bugs in either one and it doesn't affect the taste, but coke burns when you poor it in an open cut.

  6. i love the coke man, i crave them, however; my friend Mr. Dr. Pepper is also on my list.

  7. def. coke. it rocks!!!

  8. Coke Zero

  9. I used to be a Dr. Pepper freak, but it got really old. NowI  am totally and forever a Pepsi freak!

  10. I always pick mind blowing coke over everything except ecstacy.

  11. Disgustingly sweet crappy border line vomitious Pepsi

  12. Coke! Pepsi is to sweet, taste like c**p to me.

  13. Guido's recycled answer #7:

    4 out of 5 proctologists recommend coke for colonical flushing.

  14. Definitely COKE!!!

  15. coca cola zero!

  16. coke

  17. You know this one... Blue Sky Organic Cola.... Yum.

  18. coke with Coke goes very well.....

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