
Which stink more: mice or rats?

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Which stink more: mice or rats?




  1. Rats have virtually no odor, whereas mice (especially males) pee on their paws and rub it all over their body, causing a nasy smell. The only time rats smell is when their cage needs to be cleaned.

  2. I have had pet mice all my life and my sister was into mice and rats. From living in the same household I would say that rats are more smelly because they are bigger animals. Male mice are a little more smelly than female mice but I think rats still outweigh mice in the smell category.

  3. Well,well,well those who said rats stink more than mice DONT know their rodents!! Sorry guys, but the answer is MICE!

    I too was under the delusion that rats,being bigger smelt worse but from many years of experience with both species I have to tell you again MICE PONG!!

    If you want a non smelly,intelligent,friendly little companion who,by the way, WONT pee or poo on you, then the RAT is the one for you.

  4. mice!

    hands down.

    i started out with mice, thinking they wouldn't stink and they would be cute.

    OH no no no no.

    they were worse, my whole room smelled.

    I got rid of them, and sanitized my  room, then a few weeks later I got rats, and they really only stink when the cage needs cleaned.

    BUT, if you get the fluffy hypoallergenic soft bedding, thats absorbent and everything, it really doesn't stink at all.

  5. mice for sure

  6. Mice by far....and for such a tiny creature, it stinks so bad.

    I love rats more :) But I love all animals! :)

  7. Rats are very clean.  However, any pet cage must be cleaned weekly to prevent stinkage.

  8. neither smell if you clean them out regularly. Like everything, they can't clean themselves out and living a in a confined space which is dirty will naturally make them smell. So as long as they are cleaned out and cared for you can have whichever one you like....just like to add that rats are the best pets EVER though =)

  9. i would say most likely rats.

    but they both do STINK alot, because they have MUSK GLANDS although guinea pigs are rodent to they don'have musk glands so if u clean out a guinea pigs cage regularly they don't usually stink.

    but yer, rat and mice do STINK, especially if u don't get rid of them in hours of passing away.

  10. Mice as they dont have a proper bladder and leak pee all over you. Rats clean themselves well mice just pee everywhere

  11. mice hehe

  12. i think mice, because rother has 2 and their cage stinks quite bad. never had rats but i hear they are very clean pets.

  13. i think mice...rats only stink when the cage needs terribly cleaned out(the accual rats dont stink) but the accual mice stink. and also rats are more fun and social than mice!

  14. I would say mice, especially males, rats only stink when their cage needs to be cleaned.

  15. Mice

    ♥ Rat Lover ♥

  16. MICE i had a mouse and he stank more than 3 sheep

  17. mice

  18. rats they live on streets go through  garbage etc and they cary more  bacteria then mice

  19. I've had both rats and mice, and can say from personal experience that mice smell MUCH worse. Those little guys pack a punch.

    & neither carry more bacteria than any other animal!!

  20. my guess is rats, they're bigger and also quite gross

  21. mice are far more smelly than rats. rats are much cleaner too.

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