
Which two creatures survived extinction?

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After the dinosaurs and mammoths became extinct.




  1. There were plenty that survived.  I guess I'd go with sharks and any number of small mammals; go with rat or mouse or something.

    But Sharks definitely did.

  2. Mammoths got extinct very very recently so most animals or plants in this world are survivors of mammoths. The main population disapeared about 10 000 years ago, while in the middle east men were discovering the agriculture. Some population of mammoths disapeared only 4000 years ago, after the time of the pyramid of Gizeh, the foundation of Babylon, the minoean civilization in Crete etc...

    Dinosaurs became extinct about 60 millions years ago, this is much more older. A lot of animals survived dinosaurs extinction, a lot of insects (cockroaches, ants, dragonflies etc...), scorpions, some fishes (sharks and others), turtles, crocodiles etc... Millions survives. 'Only' 60% of marine life for example got extinct.

    But do not worry, there have been some extinction much worst than the Cretaceous extinction of the dinosaurs. It was the Cambrian extinctions (2 with about 70% of marine life only separated of 30 millions years !), the Terrible and Dreadful Permian extinction where almost 99.5% of all life disapeared away and the Triassic extinction, similar in number to Cretaceous. To the Cambrian, very few survive, because the few survivors have evolved and did not pass the other extinctions. Maybe some bacterias, like the cyanophyceas and some animals like the bryozoans.

    From the Permian, lots survived, plants, echinoderms, horseshoe crabs, scorpions, cockroaches, gingkos trees etc...

    Be careful also about extinction rate : if I say 60% of the species disapeared, it can means 90% of the individuals disapeared. It is sufficient to have 1 male and 1 female per species to bring it back to life later on.

  3. crocodiles....and the coelecanths....

  4. reptiles and bacteria? the mammoths became extinct many thousands of years ago, dinosaurs = many millions of years ago.

  5. Non-birdy dinos went extinct approximately 65 million years before the most recent known mammoths, and those date from a few thousand years ago.  Those extinctions have no particular connection with each other.

    Asking which two creatures survived the extinction events(s) of 65 million years ago doesn't make much sense.  Most creatures survived and a minority went extinct.  Ancestors of all species now living on Earth survived.

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