
While sleeping I Woke up Sweating?

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I work a 3rd shift job, and yesterday afternoon I woke up wet from sweating? My entire body was wet and my sheets were to. I'm a fairly healthy person. I'm 47 normal weight. And little anxiety. I feel fine. I have read that it may be an internal problem and that I should get a physical?




  1. well granted, you should have a yearly physical. But I wouldnt rush out and call the doctor because you woke up once sweating, go ahead make your app. but keep tabs on how you have been feeling and if it happens again. You could have simply just contracted a virus that caused it.  If you wake up this way a lot i would be concerned.  

  2. How about a bad dream? There are many reasons for the body to sweat besides being warm and most are not reason to worry. If it remains an isolated incident no worries; IF you continue to have night sweats it is worth a visit to your MD as you may be experiencing early onset symptoms of something that will require medical intervention. A one time episode is nothing to worry about- several episodes however do merit a causation factor be established and a MD is your best bet for that-

    Having worked nights before (Nurse)- you are going against normal body rhythms when you force yourself to stay awake and the entire episode may just be exhaustion!

    An annual physical is always a good place to start and write down your concerns so you don't forget to mention it to the MD at the time!

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