
White pride?

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I'm rihanna I'm born into a japanese family

but sometimes people think I also look white for a bit

so I was verry curious about it!

So I asked my parents but they say your just asian thats it

but I knew even if they where part of another race they wouldnt admit it cause they are verry proud of being Japanese.

so I searched my mothers last name and they where all japanese cause my mother has family tree until 1800.

then I searched my fathers mothers last name cause my grandma she also appears a little white to most people

so I found a site where you can search your last name and it will give lists with countries where people lived with your last name.So I found here name a lot in germany in the 1900's

so I'm really exited But my parents dont want to talk about it.

I never see my grandma so I cant ask her

So I want to know if I'm part german.

how can I find it out?

I cant look white without white relatives can I?

or is it possible to like people before my grandma?




  1. Hello Rihanna! I am excited to meet some one exited about there ancestry! I had much the same problem. I was told I was Irish and Scottish only and to speak of anything else was blasphemy in my house. Upon search Ancestry on google I found many sites here are a few some free some not but if its money it worth it!

    theres a few to get you started! As for your parents you can't change them or there minds. And by the way it is possible for a person who is of strict heritage to come out looking different but it is not common so I would encourage you to search more into your German ancestry! Good Luck and Best Wishes

  2. Hmmm. It is possible to look like people born before grandma.

    I  have a friend, she's Mexican-American. Black hair with blue eyes. How does this happen? Her paternal grandmother was raped by a white military man. The family won't talk about it. Her dad had brown eyes. Her siblings all have brown eyes. Not her. But her eyes are the reminder of a very painful time in the family history.

    Sounds to me like there is something your family wishes to not discuss. It might be painful. Perhaps you should respect this, or change the way you are asking about your heritage.

    Take the Japanese approach in doing so.

  3. You are confusing genetics with genealogy.  How you look is genetics.  Where you came from is genealogy.  They are not the same thing, and since this is the genealogy forum, this is not the place for genetics questions.  We cannot say without a DNA test why you look white.

    As for the genealogy part of this question, researching last names is NOT the right way to do genealogy.  You have to research the specific INDIVIDUALS to see where each person came from.  The origins of a last name has nothing to do with it.  Many, many people end up with names that have nothing to do with their family heritage.  Take the slaves for example.  Many adopted the last names of their owners, like Washington, for example.  The origins of the name Washington has nothing to do with that slave's family history.

    You need to re-evaluate your thinking.  You need to separate the concepts of genetics from the concepts of genealogy, and you need to approach genealogy from the perspective of researching individuals, not names.  If you go about it the way you are doing, you will get no where fast, and any info you get will likely end up being false leads that you waste countless hours of time on.
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