
White russia dwarf hamster?

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I bought two white russian dwarf hamster and three weeks later my sisters hamster died. i bought one the next morning immediately and put her in between the cage to see would they fight but they didn't so i put them inside and the new one chased mine i quickly pulled mine away. The next day i divided them for two days and they seam fine so i put mine in the other side and mine attacked today so i divided them and thought of leaving them like that for another few days so they might get along. What should i do if that doesn't what should i do?




  1. They might not ever get along. Are they chasing to play or trying to eat faces? They might bat at eachother to stake out territory. You should clean the cage and all accessories out and sanitize it then try reintroducing them to this "new" neutral territory. Otherwise, buy a new cage.

  2. Dwarf hamsters can live together only if they are from the same litter or have been introduced at the same young age. If they are not from the same litter or have an age difference, they can fight viciously like syrian hamsters. Please separate them immediately and do not let them be together in the same cage. The probability of the older one killing the younger one is too high, so it would be wise to make them live in their separate cages without any contact.

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