
White spots on fish?

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i got 4 fish @ the carnival 2 days ago they all had white spots on them 2day 3 of them died my cousin also had fish that died from this 2 how can i make sure my last fish doesnt die




  1. Sounds like you have ick. Place your fish on ick guard and on ick medication the raise the temp. to make ick go away.And do frequent water changes to prevent it from happening again.

  2. its ick you can buy medicine for it at most pet stores, just drop the proper dose in the water and it should go away soon.

  3. give 'em medical treatment...

  4. give em some ick guard to kill the the white spots. ps read the instructions on them.

  5. Sounds like your fellows have ich..... it is highly contagious and needs to be treated immediately. Make sure that you keep their water clean and treat them with the appropriate meds. I would suggest Super Ich Cure or another form of medication from Petco/Petsmart that is made to treat ich in small tanks.
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