
Whiter teeth before school?

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My teeth are white, but not as white as I'd like them.

Does anyone know of any home-made remedies that whiten your teeth.

I'd really appreciate it! (:





  2. No i don't but there is a fast and easy way to get your teeth whitened at the dentist. The first step is for them to take some impressions of your teeth so that they can make some retainers for you. After those are made (they take a longer than a couple days) you have some in-office whitening. Those take about 40 minutes...2 sessions of 20 min. That alone usually whitens them(some people whiten better than others). After that you will have another appointment for a 1 hour session i believe.....after that you whiten at home. Hopefully i got all that right and you will be able to get a little help from that :)  

  3. try whitening toothpaste

    if that doesnt work as well as you want it to

    add bakingsoda to your toothpaste

  4. This is a trick I learned that helps!

    Okay, take one lemon and squish the juice out of it. Then take maybe two teaspoons of baking soda and mix it with the lemon juice really well. Then take cotton and then wet it in the mixed baking soda and lemon juice. *Make sure you use it while the baking soda starts bubbling, it's more effective. Then with the cotton, use it on your teeth and just brush them with the cotton ball. Its always a little more effective and try to do it for maybe a couple of minutes, but not everyday because its quite effective! Once again, doing this for once a week for a couple of minutes works!

    Hope I helped!

  5. You can try a new kinda toothpaste rather then the one you are using, one would be arm and hammer touth paste which contains baking soda i have personally used it and have seen a bit of a difference, and also make sure to floss your teeth and rinse your mouth with something like listerine, and within no time vwaaa laaa you should have whiter, cleaner teeth.

    GOOD LUCK, hope your teeth get whiter soon ;)

  6. Try baking soda and peroxide! it really works! do this only once or twice a week though. it's damaging to the teeth.

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