
Who's prettiest?? (pic)?

by  |  earlier

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which one of these girls do u think is prettiest, they are all 14 (im taking the pic) but u cant see me, theyre my 3 bffs, jw




  1. uh...who cares who's prettiest honestly. why does it matter? but to answer your question, they're all equally pretty.

  2. they're all pretty :]

  3. they are all pretty now answer mine;...

  4. all on the rite...altho i cant really c the 1 in the middl....not sur it does the othr 1s justic...btw...who the hec takes pics in bathrooms?!

  5. The dooooor!

    Please answer.;...

  6. I think that they are all very pretty girls. The girl in white is the one that stands out to me the most.

  7. none of the above

  8. The middle one :)

  9. none are thaat pretty, but the one in the white top looks best!

  10. One on the left.

    She looks really little girlish, and sweet.

  11. neither are anything special

  12. no offense

    but all of them are'nt pretty

  13. the one in the white shirt

  14. uhm

    they are all cute in their own way

    but i would pick the one on the far right

  15. far right

  16. i like the middles ones outfit! but idk whos prettiest

  17. all of them so pretty

  18. for my computer..the pic was blurry. but as far as i could tell.the one on the way left is the prettiest.  

  19. all reallly pretty but the one on the left looks like a model!

  20. The one in the blue shirt on the far right.  But they're all decently pretty.

    Do they know you're asking?

  21. the 1rs one in the left-

    but u guys look ok-

    not really pretty-



  22. wow definitely the one in the middle

  23. wow theyre all super pretty but the one on the far left is really pretty.

    help me?   THANKS.   !!

  24. middle, than left, then right

    theyre all beautiful

  25. uhhhh srry they all look the same level to me below 5 srry no offense at all  

  26. middle

  27. probablyyyy the one on the left

  28. the one on the right.

  29. middle one

  30. the girl in the white shirt is prettyy.

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