
Who's right in this argument?Advice?

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So my Summer's basically going down the drain & it's not exactly how I planned it to be & okayed it with my mom. We were supposed to go to different places but since we got back from vaca she's been only pressuring me to hang out with these friends from out of state who are really annoying and just always want to hang out with me and they're kind of a bore and besides they always come for like 3 months stay while they're here in a year. Ive talked to my mom about this and she doesnt even raise her voice at me which makes me sure that she thinks im right. She hasnt even been busy she's been also going out basically dumping me at their place or whatever. She even cancelled plans which she promised me. There's more to it because before summer vaca started 2 weeks before it my grandfather passed away. He told my mom that he wanted me to have the best vaca ever and my moms even over his death like she misses him of course what im saying is she's not even in grieving stage anymore. She actually does this type of thing sometimes and thats when my grandpa would tell her "hello here's your daughter" but now that my grandpas not here anymore no one can talk to my mom to make her realize that she needs to keep more of her promises.what do i do?...what should i say to her?




  1. I THINK you're saying that your mom doesn't pay much attention to you and your grandpa used to step in and remind her to think more about you.  Is that right?  Sounds like you had a great grandpa.  Are YOU grieving about him?  Tell your mom you want to have a "heart to heart" talk with her.  Tell her how you feel.  Hopefully she'll understand.  Good luck.

  2. all of us have family that talk a big talk but when it is time for them to come thrugh they aren't there

  3. Sorry but it sounds like you are being a little self centered. You and you mom should spent time together but each of you also need your own life. Tell you mother you will spent some time with them but you also have your own friends.And don't be upset about your mom seemly getting over Grandpas' death because it's good for her to get on with her life. She never will forget him but now she holds the memories in her heart.

  4. they all make sense its alright :)

    im very sorry about ur grandpa and i wish you the best

    but here is how you cn solve the problem:

    mothers and daughters are so close! seriously try talking to her about it! tell her exactly what you said in this detail and let her know how you feel. im sure she cn understand. you mom may be grieving for your grandfather in her heart but she may not want to affect you, so shes just keeping it to herself and i think you are too! so this may not be the best time to raise your voice. try coping with each other and see how it goes. maybe you guys can find a good idea to deal with the friends, especially when she may think you are right about it too!

    say everything you cn. just let it out.

    i always feel so much better when i cn talk to someone about it! especially with my mom! ;)

    good luck!!


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