
Who's your least favourite royal?

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For me it has to be Harry, he's such a terrible oaf, why do we even need him.




  1. You know what you are right he sucks!!!

  2. Princess Michael of Kent (née Baroness Marie-Christine Agnes Hedwig Ida von Reibnitz, 15 January 1945), is a member of the British Royal Family. She is married to Prince Michael of Kent, who is a grandson of King George V.

    Princess Michael of Kent has received considerable media attention in the years since her marriage to Prince Michael, much of it critical, although she does get sympathetic coverage in celebrity mags and the glossies. It has been alleged that she does not get along well with other members of the Royal Family, including the Queen. Rumour has it that they see her as having ideas and delusions above her station, hence the media have attached to her the derogatory nickname "Princess Pushy".

    As an example of her sense of self-importance by way of justification for the moniker, it is claimed that she once declared to an American fashion magazine that she had more royal blood in her veins than any person to marry into the royal family since Prince Philip. She also has said she was probably the first tall person to marry into the clan. (The Queen reportedly has referred to her as "Our Val," a reference to the warrior-like Valkyries, and - sarcastically - as "a bit too grand for" the rest of the royal family.)

    She is the only Royal cat-lover, owning pedigree Siamese. It is alleged that having complained about a cat being mauled by a Corgi, she was promptly and unsympathetically put in her place.

    In May 2004 she was in the news when a group of black diners in a New York restaurant alleged that the Princess had told them to "get back to the colonies" when complaining about their noise - an accusation she denied but that made headlines around the world. She said that she had merely told one of her fellow dinner guests that she would be glad to go back to the colonies in order to escape her noisy neighbours. She later described her accusers as a "group of rappers."

    In September 2005, she appeared in the news again, after the News of the World reporter Mazher Mahmood apparently gained her confidence and claimed that she made a number of intemperate remarks, including calling Diana, Princess of Wales "bitter" and "nasty."

    In November 2005, Channel 4 pulled, during production, a bio-film about the Princess, being produced by Tris Payne's independent production company, Liverpool Street. Channel 4 cited "editorial reasons" as the Princess had insisted on final editorial control.

    In April, 2006, she was photographed in Venice with Mikhail Kravchenko. She kept close company with the Russian millionaire tycoon, 21 years her junior, holding hands, kissing and taking a gondola ride with him. In the Daily Mail, sources close to the Princess said that they were "discussing doing some business together."

    Her latest newsmaking statement came in October 2006, in an interview for US TV, in which she claimed that her children were the brightest royals with the best (university) degrees.

    On hearing that the research of Drs. Dorothy Cheney and Robert Seyfarth seems to indicate that rank among female baboons is hereditary, the Princess said "I always knew that when people who aren’t like us claim that hereditary rank is not part of human nature, they must be wrong. Now you’ve given me evolutionary proof!"

  3. I have always hated Henry VIII as well as Prince William.

  4. can't really single anyone of them out, there all, dysfunctional, parasites to me .....................

  5. Diana - she's still cramming the airwaves 10 years after she popped her clogs - as for Harry, if all the royals drank heavily, punched a few bouncers and volunteered for service in Iraq I think I'd be more positively inclined toward them - if you are a royal, act like you own the place - don't make speciality cheeses...

  6. Prince Michael of Kent and his Lady Skeletor wife.

  7. It's still Prince Charles for me, and his mistress turned wife, Camilla follows.

  8. Prince Philip

  9. The whole lot are a bunch of expensive hypocrites.

  10. prince philip..

  11. Prince of whales because I like Kingz!

  12. all the ones that are alive.

  13. Prince, what a fantastic singer, musician, performer and producer.

  14. Not Prince Charles- I find him rather entertaining

    Not Prince William- he at least has some wits

    Not the Queen....

    My least favourite is probably Prince Harry. He has done some things I don't approve of.

  15. All of them. They're so pompous in their monarchical little world, they don't realize their futility in this democratic country.

  16. Anyone who married into the Royal Family and thus smeared it with 'common' blood.

  17. Hillary Clinton.

    That's if Royal Pains in the A** count.

  18. Yep, prince Edward for me, too.

    A waste of time, space, oxygen and anything else you can think of.

    His picture should be next to the word "loser" in the dictionary. Ugly and stupid, too.

  19. Camilla.  But, she's not royal at all, is she?

  20. phil the greek

  21. Prince Phillip followed closely by the new Duchess of Cornwall

  22. Anyone of em that's still alive and poncing off the nation.

  23. That would have to be Princess Anne.  What an old mare!

  24. Prince Albert of Monaco, he seems like a jerk.

  25. Edward for me; what a waste of oxygen, prancing around like a nancy-boy, unable to finish military training... Ashamed to call him British, let alone Royalty!

  26. Princess Anne. She always seems to be such a sour puss. Next to her, Camilla. If she qualifies.

  27. Prince Edward has always struck me as being a total waste of space.  As to needing Harry, we don't actually "need" any of them but that is not their fault. They are only royalty by accident of birth. I am sure if you asked Harry if he wanted to be royalty he would say no. It can't be easy living in a goldfish bowl like they have to.

  28. What a very strange comment; what do you propose that the English do to him?  "Off with his head"?  How terribly British, NOT.

    By the way, what have YOU done for your nation lately?

  29. Prince Philip would probably be my least favorite although it's close between he and Camilla Parker-Bowles. He seems so cold and distant, strict and unloving. I actually feel bad for Prince Charles when I read about Philip sending him off to that horrible boarding school. He doesn't really seem supportive of his family either except for Princess Anne. And then of course Camilla couldn't keep her legs together while Charles was married to Diana for such selfish reasons.

  30. The whole bloody lot of them

  31. Prince Edward

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