
Who Agrees with the Chicken?

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I've been reading lot's of stuff about boycotting the Olympic games. I know everyone says yeah but tibet and the human rights issue etc. and that they don't deserve it. Why can't all just have a peaceful Olympics and then deal with China's issues. I know many of you think I've been brainwashed by Communist regimes but I'm not I still care about the human rights stuff but what I want to see is the olympics and the talented sportsman/womans do what they do best.

The 1000 athletes around the world have been waiting 4 years for this moment and shouldn't it be about them? They have been trainning vigorously for long hours everydat for four years just for this moment and boycotting the games would just flush their hard efforts down the drain!

Not to forget the thousands who are forced to move from the home city just to make room for this games refusing to watch it/boycotting it would just be a waste to them - forced to move away for something no one is watching.

Now who's with me let's all watch the Olympics peacefully free from bombs and pitch forks for two weeks then deal with the Chinese/Tibetan human rights issue after? Feel to take your claws out then.

Feel free to disagree/agree




  1. I don't know honestly I could see the argument either way. But I do feel the Olympics draw attention to an otherwise largely ignored issue. So yeah, play the games.

  2. I Agree!!!

    I dont concern myself with Tibet and the Dali lama or whatever he is called.

    I just want to see some US Gold!!!!!!

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