
Who Invented Religion ?

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Who Invented Religion ?




  1. there are many religions and not all are invented by somebody, lets not make a platform for spreading hate.

  2. God

  3. NO ONE invnted religion.

  4. "Invent"? You can't invent religion, the same way you can't invent electricity.

    Did you know that ancient Hebrew didn't even HAVE a word for "religion"?  It wasn't just some ritual they did every so often it was a part of their everyday lives.

  5. U r a hindu I think

    So i am going to answer in hindi

    Dharma aur riligion same cheej nahi hai

    Dharam ka arth hai ho dharan (accept) kiya jaata hai.

    jaise ki ek pita ka dharm hai ki apne parivarr ka paalan karana

    ek cm ka dharm hai ki apne raaya ki paalan aur surakhaka karana

    ek Tiger ka DHARMA hai ki sikkaar kar ke khaanaa

    agge jaanna hai to mail karo

  6. If you mean "Organised" Religion, that was invented by some b*****d too lazy to work to keep a roof over his head, and able to connive and/or bully others into working for him. :D

    That is a paraphrased merger of several different similar meanings for "Priest."

    As for Religion another poster brilliantly stated, it was a supersticious early man attempting to explain the (to him) unexplainable.

    Good Luck!

  7. I would say that it is something that all people have to some extent. Religion can be seen as mankind's way to respond to the spiritual dimension that they have. They think (Cognitive), feel (affective), and behave/act (behavioral). They also have a spiritual dimension as well. If you look at most cultures, (even ancient ones) most have some sort of religion. Being I'm a Bible believer, I think man was aware of there being a God from the moment they were created. Even atheists seem to deal with this spiritual realm by saying they see no evidence for God. This may seem to deny the idea of religion, but it may also support my statement by the sure fact that they deal with the issue.

    Finally, by being a Bible thumper, I would recommend some consider Romans 1:20 which says "Ever since the creation of the world his (God's) invisible nature, namely his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse." General revelation =what can be known about God from observing nature. Special revelation=what God revealed through his inspired word we call the Bible.

  8. Religion has been there ever since humans have known fear - mainfestation of the unkown and fear of it, creates reverance towards the unknown, we call it god and the religion comes into play. Guess you guys can also try this new Hindu community site for discussions - could get some interesting perspective  

  9. people

  10. Well,..seeing that there are many religions in the world,...and only one faith, my guess is that people not invented, but tried to put their faith into some laws.

    Now, what measure this laws are still satisfying today,...that depends on many things .

  11. man with mind always like to name everything.

    like that man invented religion

  12. of course mankind

  13. Jesus for christian religion, Prophet Mohammad for Islam, Buddha for buddhism etc and Hindu religion has not been invented by any human being.

  14. NEDM CAT

  15. YOU!!!

    OH yah .. sorry ITS ME.

  16. good morning brother

    great question

    1 During 1800s, Anthropologists had a problem as to

    how to classify human beings. One researcher

    proposed the expression "intelligent animal".

    After advanced studies on monkeys, it was dropped.

    Another researcher proposed "tool using animal".

    After observing some animals making wooden tools

    and sharpening them with knife like stones, it was

    dropped. Another researcher proposed "weapon using

    animal". A decade ago, a rare film was shot by an

    amateur in an African forest. One short monkey was

    hit very badly by a big monkey. The short monkey

    prepared a wooden knife using stones and hid it on

    the top of a tree. After some days, when the big

    monkey came to attack the short monkey, it ran up

    to the tree for the weapon it has hid and killed

    the big monkey. The one thing that the

    anthropologists found with any group of human

    beings, even if they did not have contacts with

    the out side world for thousands of years, is

    spirituality with some form of religion. So, man

    is a "spiritual animal" if you want to call him

    that way.

    The Upanishads say that "Manush" (human) was so

    named because he has "Manas" a mind higher than

    that of the animals which realizes the divinity in

    creation. It was present since the creation of

    human beings. Religion is the characteristic

    feature of most of the human beings. It was not

    attained through reasoning using mind. Illiterate

    tribes located in inaccessible forests also have

    religion. It is as eternal and and as unchanging

    as the Almighty. Disbelief by a few will not

    affect it.

    "The percentage of atheists in the world is less

    than 5%"  6


    2 in many ways it may seem that (some) religions force people to follow rigid moral rules which in turn become our moral makeup. it is more of an ideological brainwashing.

    the philosopher althusser came up with the ideas of RSA and ISA, one meaning repressive state apparatus and the other ideological state apparatus, religion falling into the latter of the two.

    what appears to happen in many cases is that religion becomes such an intrinsic part of our self identity that we accept it without even thinking as truth as we do with the education(ISA) we are given.

    in many ways many religions were created as an explanation in order to understand the world around us and its origins but has been twisted by the state as a means to control people. historically religion has been the cause of more deaths than any other thing (except disease of course).

    hope i answer the question to best of my abilities

    god bless you brother and will give you power,beauty and wealth

    all the best for the future

  17. Indigenous people of the Earth, basically early man. It was a way to explain things occurring in the natural world. So they knew something had caused the lightening, thunder and rain, so they invented greater beings than themselves and religion was born.

    In my humble opinion, early man did a much better job inventing the wheel, than religion. When was the last time a car informed you that if you didn't believe in the power of GM or Ford or some other maker of vehicles with wheels, you were going to be damned forever...

    I rest my case!

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