
Who all can reduce Global Warming?

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Who all can reduce Global Warming?




  1. Anyone there has to be teamwork

  2. not going to's just a pipe dream.

  3. We all can reduce Global Warming by "Going Green" or being more environmentally consciencious. We can wear organic clothes and eat organic foods. In addition, we can turn off the lights at night and keep our homes at a solid 72 degrees year round.

  4. Global warming has been recognized by scientists. These same scientists will tell you that they don't know what is causing it and they can't attributed it ti humans. they say that we might be able to slow it by reducing emissions but we can't stop it.

    i am for stopping it but i would rather try an focus on facts rather than peddle down a road that is just designed to keep me busy rather than actually get something accomplished.

    if you want to help the planet and actually make a difference we need to look at the real issue, and it ain't SUVs.

    The real issue is that the planet can't sustain this many people....period. Do you part and have only one child per person. That will actually make a difference.

    To add to casapull - If you stretch your arms out from your sides and one fingertip represents the first day of earth and the other represents today. the white portion of your trimmed fingernail represents the time man has been on earth.

    my point is we are insignificant in the grand scheme and no matter what we believe we can and will have little impact on this planet and it will move on without us. Even if every human on earth wanted to destroy earth we couldn't we would just kill ourselves.

  5. Facts are, no one. Because humans have nothing whatsoever to do with Global Warming or global anything. All we contribute to, is air pollution & water pollution and chemical pollutants in ourselves & animals. (We can all TRY to stop using plastics, for one?) The facts are -- there's no money or publicity in saying that the Earth is in control. And it's not in nature to admit that, either.

    It was 100-120 degrees in the swampy millions of years, that dinosaurs roamed the Earth. None of them drove SUVs, as far as we know. Wildfires & earthquakes and volcanoes and natural explosions due to meteors, actually do happen. South America and Africa didn't part, because they didn't like each other. That takes EXTREME violence. The geysers at Yellowstone blew-up nearly all of North America, and there went most of the life/animals that we see in fossil records -- saber tooths, dire wolfs, american lions and camels (hello?), masterdons and mammoths, etc. etc. People didn't do a freaking thing. Mega-floods from the ice-ages, had to occur with ALL those glaciers all over the world, right?

    Naturally, this earth is alive -- only we don't know it.

  6. Al Gore! He invented it, along with the Internet, and so I'm sure he can fix it!

  7. Everyone can if they are smart enough.

    Buy energy efficient light bulbs, don't run the faucet while you are brushing your teeth and try to take shorter showers. Turn lights and tvs off when you aren't in the room. Don't turn your heater on too high in the winter. Try to carpool when you are going places or walk if it's close enough. Recycle!!

    Those are just a few of MANY things you can do.

  8. erm.....YEAH...if you say so????

  9. No one can because if you really read all the facts and learn a few things about it you will see that global warming is not real.

  10. It is a lie by Gore ,so there is no problem.

  11. Who all?

    You all.

    Don't drive, don't use heat or airconditioning and don't turn on the lights.

  12. dont litter

  13. mexicans

  14. by doing simple things such as turning off lights in the house that your not using.

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