
Who am I............?

by  |  earlier

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I was born in Brescia, Italy. I was named man of the match throughout the 2006 world cup tournament, i can take a free kick like a penalty and i'm madly in love with the most beautiful and charming woman in the world (Bella).




  1. Pirlo or Some random Italian that's in love with you :D

    Edit: Freshy, you actually do your own dirty work? I thought you'd send some peasant to do it.

    Well I wouldn't mess with Pirlo before Bella gets a date first, I'd fear my future.

  2. You forgot "I am gonna get killed by Freshy when he visits Italy" ;)

    Bella, let me rephrase "I'm gonna get killed by Freshy when he visits Italy before Bella has a chance to go on a date with me"

    Stefy, you can't trust anyone with such delicate matters, if you want the job done well, you gotta do it yourself haha
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