
Who appointed the US world bully?

by Guest62847  |  earlier

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The US bullies nations to get what it wants. It bombs, invades, shoots and if innocents get in the way too bad. If the same was done to them there would be outrage. So why does the US think it runs the world when it is such a corrupt and violent regime?




  1. A tired and silly argument. The US was the only country who prevented England and France from totally wrecking Germany and it's allies after WWI via money and other harsh restrictions that the UK and France wanted placed on them. Again, we also attempted to get the League of Nations of the ground, it was Europe and some Asian countries that let that one die. Then WWII came and again, after victory we helped both Japan and Germany get back on there feet and also prevented France and England from more mis-adventures in the Suez and Africa. Korea rolled around and we stopped the N. Koreans from "Uniting" the two Koreas. Vietnam, well, we screwed that one up and when we left over 2 million Cambodians, Laotians and Vietnemese paid the price. Oh, and even after the Marshal Plan we pledged to keep on defending Europe and much of Asia from the Warsaw Pact and the USSR. Most people who whine today about us do so out of ignorance and short memories, who would your rather lead the world?-China? The UN? Russia? or perhaps the EU?

    The whole premise that we are killing innocent people intentionally is pure poppy c**k and the other theme that "Big Corps" control the world is just a red herring that the Reds throw out all the time to justify some of there actions. The US is not perfect but given any other choice I will take the US over the UN, China, Russia or the EU.

    "Communism! Depsite a 100 Million Dead we are still popular"

    "The last country in the world that you want to lead the world is the us, except anyone else"

  2. open your eyes, everyone does it, DUH

  3. It seems to be d**n if we do and d**n if we don't, we get blasted by everyone if we get involved and blasted again because of "its our duty as a superpower".

    I'm a firm believer in letting everyone else solve their problems and letting UN/EU do the rest, "you're getting massacred, well that's tough ask Europe". "oh, you're hungry, tough cookies too, ask France to ship you some cheese"

    hopefully whoever comes in in November will adopt this policy.

    Now go crawl back under your fashionable "I hate the US" Euro trash babble rock.

  4. big Americans corporations running the country who would do anything to get richer and richer, while they r responsible for most of the world poverty and corruption

  5. allah did.  DUH!

  6. Everything started in WWII when US goes to free europe from the n**i. Respect USA ! Respect the world

    As a superpower ,i think it should lead the world

  7. No one did.

    He's self-appointed.

    But as many other nations have blood on their hands,

    their finger-wagging efforts are weak.

    Few look good in this.

  8. It's sad little nations, like yours, that coming begging for our help whenever something goes wrong.

  9. A simple question by a simple minded person.

  10. The time after the World War II to till date, US has sold maximum weapons to the world and fought the Korean, Vietnamese, Kuwaiti, and Iraqi and Afghani wars and killed tens of millions of people! By its will US has imposed sanctions on several countries including Iraq, Iran, Cuba, North Korea, China etc, whereby for want of food and medicine millions have died!

    USA has allowed international terrorism to grow by funding indirectly world wide when the terrorists calling as freedom fighters were using the funds to destroy nations opposing the US in its economic and political policies which were in fact, against the interests of humanity as a whole! US has allowed all money laundering operations of international mafias to flourish and has allowed its land for happy use for all the money to play all games!

    Right from the sixties the US mafia dons were funding the US politicians! The worst of the culture in the US, the sexual permissiveness, degradation of culture at all levels, violence in youth, sexual abuse and terrific violence in media including the internet, horrible level of broken marriages by divorce and separation leading to millions of single parents etc etc, has invaded the whole world which has created the unrest unseen in the billions of homes in the world today! The world's worst drug abuse, hooligans as outlaws and muggers, bad s*x and violence at world's peak in media and in life and many other negative factors rule the USA today and this nation is most feared for its violent and abusive lifestyle! Need to say the school children and collage boys taking guns and shooting students and staffs, showing the brutal nature of lifestyle!

    The liberation of Cuba against a fight with the US driving off the US sugar companies and resting a communist rule which flared the passion for communism across Latin and Central American nations, flamed nationalist liberation movements which were crushed with the US assistance in a large measure for arms and ammunition and all other military support is glaring shows the role of US in destabilizing every nation to its advantage! It is now confirmed that the CIA of US has attempted for not less than 600 times to murder the communist Cuban President Fidel Castro!

    US has used its CIA and FBI plus a huge hired mercenaries in deposing and overthrowing governments in Africa, Asia and Latin America! Even the democratically elected President of CHILE, Doctor Salvador Allende was murdered by the military influenced by CIA and the military junta got the US support for the last thirty years in killing hundreds and thousands of innocent people! Pakistan is the rogue state, fully supported by the USA in autocratic, militaristic, inhuman and barbaric way of governance and in the killing of a million people over the past 50 years, including training the terrorists to invade India to fight in Kashmir where also a million people have perished till date!

    The Israeli-Palestine perennial conflict is the testimony to the US interest to maintain the hegemony to continue and cost thousands of lives every year! The way the US has pursued policies in African nations made them fight more among themselves with the arms supply coming unlimited from the western powers, while the USA has never used its strength to make peace and good life for them!

    In the history of last sixty years the US has supported hundreds of dictatorial and single party autocratic governance in African, Asian and Latin American countries, where US has armed them to kill all democratic movements by killing innocent millions of people! The racist regimes of South Africa and Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) were backed by US for several decades!

    The President Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden are all the creations of USA only and the US has supported them by arms and ammunition for killing people in name of establishing democracy in their nations! But US has spent another 500 billion dollar to kill Saddam and a million Iraqis plus a loss of 5000 soldiers and 20000 injured as maimed and living as useless life forms in the USA!

    See this also, as regards to the Indonesian former President, who was supported by the US, for his repression and iron fisted rule for three decades killing millions!

    If the US has to be prosecuted for all of its crimes against humanity, and the world had to be compensated for, the USA would become totally bankrupt and it's all people would become pauper! Hence, to be very very precise, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the one and only country responsible and accountable for most of the unrest in the whole world for the past sixty years!


    Answer to Captain spalding:

    Mind it, it is not the poor countries come begging the USA but they all become poor because of exploitation by the USA and all other western powers! Added, it also had ruined many other nations by the covert and overt operations of politics and economy threats by the USA!

  11. People like you who ask questions  like that while spreading Propaganda....

    Prove your theory if you want to be taken seriously.

  12. The US is not a world bully. The communists used to be the bullies and now the terrorist states, such as Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Libya, Iran are the bullies. Check your facts before you ask a misleading question!

  13. George Bush senior and jr they are evil

  14. The United States appointed the United States to be the world's bully. If you didn't listen to the US, we'd just drop one of many (and i mean many) nukes on your country and then it'd be erased off the map.

  15. Ah, that would be people like you. The ones that do not get involved. But when trouble comes, they want the US, to help

    solve their problems.

  16. The capitalist reserve bankers.

    There are few people that control this world.

    And these are the money people.

    Think about it.

    If you do not have to depend on anyone to live your life happily, no one can tell you what to do let alone bully you.

    We live in a world where few people knows how to control others through various means and for their own benefit.

    The RICH like Rockefeller's etc.

    Mankind is kept under control in different ways(religion, languages, borders, MONEY - MONEY MONEY.

    Even the USA is controlled by the money guys.

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