
Who are the original Latins?

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Does speaking one of the romance languages automtically make you Latin or is it more that you are of Italin, Portouges, French, Spanish, Romanian descent? I speak English but that doesn't make me English. My culture is influenced by England but I don't say I'm English.




  1. Latin ppl were origanlly my people which are american Indian we spread through the vast land of Alaska, Canada, America, Mexico, an some as far as South America these ppls which you kall latino are heavily influanced Indians who had babys with the Spaniards Creatin mexicans this is what happen to the aztec Mantozumo was stoned to death by his own ppl because he reprezented the agenda of White Spaniards who then would latter on become mexicans!!!!!

  2. There is no such thing like Latinians or Latins

  3. Latin is ONLY a language! NOT a people!!  

  4. The original latins are all the romance languages speakers! Latin language was an invented language (as well as esperanto) to be spoken only by the roman high society.  

  5. Iberians

  6. A tribe from Rome. The pure latin language was spoken only by them. The rest of the roman empire's people was speaking a sort of different language, but pretty close to the latin we're talking about.  

  7. Romans

  8. I know about the original Latin Kings. Latin is a romance language rarely if ever used anymore. I am trying to bring it Me cognoscis, ergo me amas = to know me is to love me. didnt all life oringinate in Africa.  

  9. The original Latin people were a group from a region called Lazio in present-day Italy, and they are more or less the Romans. As the Roman empire expanded, they migrated, conquered, and settled throughout Southern France (Gaul), Spain (Hispania), Portugal(Lusitania) and Italy, and these people became Latins.

    As time went on, the Roman empire collapsed. Since Spain, Italy, France and Portugal were no longer one country, naturally they began to drift apart linguistically, and each of their versions of the Latin language changed, until they became distinct languages (Italian, SPanish, Portuguese and French). However, culturally and religiously they remained very similar, and still shared a common "Latinized" identity: even today they tend to identify with each other more than they do with other countries like Germany or England.

    More time passed, and the europeans conquered empires of their own, and they brought their culture to these new countries (Latin America & the Caribbean). And thats how the latin identity came about.

    As for your english identity....yea, being an english speaker with cultural influence from england does not make you english....but it DOES make you an Anglo. Just like how being a spanish speaker doesnt make me a spaniard but it DOES make me latin.

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