
Who believe ronldinio is good player?

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i start to hear that ronaldihnio isnt good player that is bullsht now he is in milan end everybody will see that he is awsome player

what do u think about it?




  1. Me he is very skilled

  2. ronaldinho isnt fit enough.

    noone doubts his raw talent and skill.

    however the bottom line is , he is a crowd pleaser .

    he is seen as lazy and if a manager such as frank riikjaard only sees it fit to play him for home matches, to please the crowd , can he really be that great?

  3. He's definitely an excellent player, he's just had some rough times over in Barcelona. He's human like all of us. He makes mistakes just like all of us. The main point is that I wouldn't worry about him over at Milan. Unless you hate AC Milan...haha

  4. well never thought that he was an awesome player...

    I always just thought that he was good at fakes, moves, tricks ect.

    I guess its because he is more of a one man team:/

  5. he is a good player but now he's being fat and stupid

  6. Yeh he is great at playing clubs off each other looking for the highest bidder, he needs to get back to playing what he gets paid a silly amount of money for, and by the way he is a good player........

  7. hes still amazing he lost a bit of form everyone has a dip in form. maybe he will pick up next season but no question he is still an amazing player

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