
Who belives in witches?

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Who belives in witches?




  1. I believe in them. Of course not the ones that they show in movies and on television, but I do believe that there are people out there who can do more than the normal person can by using the craft.

  2. they exist but like everyone pointed out, just like with vamps and stuff the movies really do them harm, not all of them are evil, yes of course theres the few black sheep out of the pack, but same thing could be said for humans right?

  3. i don't. i don't believe in magic. witches never existed.

    there are people who cultivate witch craft and so called white magic, as it's very interesting, but i wouldn't call them witches.

  4. I do...  everyone has a little witch in them once in a while!

  5. Stupid people.

  6. well seeing is believing, so its said. but so is drinking with a few every tuesday night.

  7. I do. There are many practising witches in the world today. Although as an atheist and sceptic I don't 'believe' in the magic, I have to say that it's no dafter than other religions, and nicer than most!

  8. I believe in the blair witch..,...mwhahaha lol, seriouslt tho....that film freaked me out...i mean i was waiting...always waiting to see her...and they like showed ya the woods and 'd think i saw her and my stomach would drop and its, bhut ya neva do...oh i belive in witches....errrr im not sure to be honest =S....=)

  9. Small children, mental retards etc.

  10. the people in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I met her, and she turned me into a newt....i got better.

  11. Me, because I have met a one ( RaChara Hotel Torre Sauze Doulx January 2000 , I have probably met n 1000 - 1,000,000 people in my life, but consider only one to be a witch). I did not believe in witches, but after meeting one I now do. When I looked into her eyes, I saw a red flash like lightning). They can do good things as well as bad things, change the weather, cast the evil eye, cast the the love spell.

    From my limited knowledge, Wicca is about the power of nature, air, earth, fire, water, crystals, stones, herbs, trees.

    People in the 21st century have become far removed from nature, by the use of technology. Nature is a very powerfull force.

  12. I'm a witch myself-so yes I believe in us.We're not devil worshippers-the devil is a Christian belief,most of us do not curse people that 'wrong' us either.We're friendly,ordinary people that don't push our beliefs onto others-unlike other religions.When was the last time you walked down the high street and saw a witch or two preaching or had one knocking on your door trying to convert you,like some religions I could mention?

  13. I beleve in them i'm pagan as well (well more druid) but i still beleve in witches. my nabour practices witchcraft and she askes me to help her somtimes.

  14. I do. My mom does. My brother does. And 5 of my friends do. My mom is a witch and I am one also. My brother wants to become one as do some of my friends. We've all experianced magic in one way or another.

    Got a problem with that.


  16. usuually little children but i dont i used to when i was little though lol =]

  17. Of course I believe. If I didn't believe in witches, would that mean I didn't believe in myself? Or for that matter, would it mean no one believed in my existance? I am Wiccan, I practise magick and I am known as a witch by those who know my religion.

    Think about it ^_^

  18. not me!!! when i was littlle i used to think that a letter from Hogwarts would come in the mail for me, though...

  19. I do. I am one. lol Witches are not the beings that they are portrayed as on TV or in movies. We are peaceful nature loving people.

  20. I believe in being a Witch and my husband believes that Samantha Stevens of "Bewitched" is one of the cutest witches, besides me of course!  Smile

  21. Who doesn't believe in witches is the better question.  I guess it would depend on your definition of witches.  One who has premonitions have been considered witches.  People who can talk to ghost or move objects have been considered witches.  Logically they must exist if they can do these things.

  22. Hello,

    I certainly believe they exist and existed but I do not believe in all their hocus pocus stuff.


    Michael Kelly

  23. I believe that witches really do exist even centuries ago. I believe that not all witches are bad.

    Same like the humans, some are good and some are bad. They are not evil either but only a few.  :)


  24. I believe in people that practice witchcraft but not the Hollywood witches.

  25. I meet with the Witches of Hanover every month. On Halloween we dress up like Christians and go trick or treating.

  26. 1 year olds

  27. If you're talking about the kind you see on tv, no.

    Many Pagans call themselves witches. That kind I believe in. It's about the same thing as those who believe in the word of the bible calling themselves Christians.

  28. I should believe in witches as I am one.  I am Wiccan, practice magick and am called Witch.

  29. African witchcraft: There are many types of witchcraft in Africa. The Azande of central Africa believe that witchcraft causes all types of misfortune. The "gift" of witchcraft, known as mangu, is passed from parent to child. Those possessing mangu aren't even aware of it and perform magick unconsciously while they sleep.

    Appalachian folk magic: Those who practice witchcraft in the Appalachian mountains see good and evil as two distinct forces that are led by the Christian God and Devil, respectively. They believe there are certain conditions that their magick cannot cure. They also believe that witches are blessed with paranormal powers and can perform powerful magick that can be used for either good or evil purposes. They look to nature for omens and portents of the future.

    Green witchcraft: A Green witch is very similar to a Kitchen/Cottage witch (see below) with the exception that the Green witch practices in the fields and forest in order to be closer to the Divine spirit. The Green witch makes his or her own tools from accessible materials from outdoors.

    Hedge witchcraft: A Hedge witch is not part of a group or coven. This witch practices magick alone and works more with the green arts, herbal cures and spells. In the early days, Hedge witches were local wise men or women who cured illnesses and gave advice. They can be of any religion and are considered traditional witches (see below).

    Hereditary witchcraft: Hereditary witches believe in "gifts" of the craft that are with a witch from birth, having been passed from generations before.

    Kitchen/Cottage witchcraft: A Kitchen witch, or Cottage witch, practices magick around the hearth and home. The home is a sacred place, and the use of herbs is used often to bring protection, prosperity and healing. Kitchen witches often follow more than one path of witchcraft.

    Pennsylvania Dutch hexcraft or "Pow-wow": When the Germans first arrived in Pennsylvania, Native Americans were there, so the term "pow-wow" to describe this practice may come from observations of Indian gatherings. Pow-wowing includes charms and incantations dating back to the Middle Ages, as well as elements borrowed from the Jewish Kabbalah and Christian Bible. Pow-wowing focuses on healing illnesses, protecting livestock, finding love or casting or removing hexes. Pow-wowers consider themselves to be Christians endowed with supernatural powers.

    Traditional witchcraft: Traditional witchcraft often follows science, history and the arts as its foundation. While sharing the same respect for nature as the Wiccan witch, traditional witches do not worship nature nor the god or goddess of Wicca. They contact spirits that are part of an unseen spirit world during rituals. Magick is more practical than ceremonial and focuses greatly on herbs and potions. This sect of witchcraft also has no law of harming none, but does believe in responsibility and honor. Hexes and curses, therefore, can be used in self-defense or for other types of protection.

  30. i do...whether wiccans or wizards,they are real and have been around for many centuries.

  31. I am wiccan. So yeah I believe there are wiccan witches,

    as for the halloween version of green faces long nosed ugly witches on broom sticks.

    Then no.

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