
Who can help me out here?

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ok so here's my problem. i have a gf, we've been going out for over 4 months now. about 2 weeks ago, something came up that i wasn't supposed to hear about until i could see her again. so i wait my turn out, and i go over to her house for a while. turns out, her parents want us to break up because she "needs to see new people" and btw before this, they never said anything about it. so my question is, what can i do to salvage this?, because i love her to death and i wnt to make it work, but everything is against me.




  1. I understand the feeling, the feeling where someone/something is stopping the two of you being together. So I'm telling you this from experience only

    If you DO love her more than death, than stand up for the love.

    Do not let her parents tell you what to do, and push you around. If you do let them than you don't really even love her that much, if you can't save it. I KNOW, its "disrespectful, and rude" but hey, they are making their daughter dump you, when they can clearly tell you love her LOTS!

    So say something like this "Hey, I really do understand you would want your daughter to see other people. But I LOVE her, and I want to be with her and only her. So I ask of you, please don't break us apart. If she was meant to see other people than it will happen, if she was meant to be with me than why stop it? All I ask is for you to let Fate/Destiny take its part, let things be, don't force things. Yes your daughter CAN see other people, and one of them WILL be better than me on paper, but one would love her as much as I do, no one would die for her like me. *Smile* thankyou"

    Something like that, believe me if you love her thats what you should do. Sorry if I made it sound like a scene in a Chick-Flick, but just put the same thought into it. I wish you the best kay? Byes   ^_^

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