
Who cares about the native americans?

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the europians came to north america. the native people of america where forced to reservations.

those reservations where land that the immigrants didnt want in those days.

they now know that 55% of the uranium ore, 5% of oil and 33.4% of carbon lies under those reservations.

so they go for it without any hesitation, not caring for the health problems etc for the natives.

my question is:

how does that go in hand with the picture of humanitarian and world peacer that USA wants to represent in the world?




  1. Not a answer......I didn't see a actual indigenous person of America until I went to college. That is scary. That is like going to Italy and not seeing Italians for 20 years. We should care about every culture. Human beings from different cultures are our most precious resource. You never know the next Native American can cure cancer.  

  2. it doesn't.  america always contradicts itself.  whatever we can do to make ourselves seem more innocent and wholesome...which is all a big, fat lie.  if it makes you feel better, not one group can represent something like america.  it's only those with the power that make us look bad...well, and we help too in other ways.

  3. AUTHENTIC: No one brought up anything about other countries such Brazil or Mexico and their history. Yes, they slaughtered their natives too. Its not a STEREOTYPE that American killed their natives because its a fact. Look up the word stereotype before you throw it around uselessly.

  4. Im  often amazed how the USA is stereotyped with slautering indians. When almost every country in the world has had native people before a dominant group..Howdoes the creation of the U.S. differ from Brazil, Mexico, Canada...

  5. probably only native americans care about themselves....but nowadays it is almost everywhere least with the little races

  6. usa = delusional, sick minds, greed, trickery, murderers, violators, misinformed, vulgar, gullible twits...death to the wealthy whites.

  7. the people in power explain by saying it's for the good of the majority.  just like when they moved them to the reservations.

    think they figure what happens here, stays here.

  8. The US has never had any problem exposing people to dangerous chemicals in POOR and MINORITY communities, the government has had a history of abuse toward Native People and I dont believe that the government cares anything about Native People, they are economically struggling despite casino's and grants, it's the status quo institutionalized racism that affects Native People, nothing new there......

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