
Who do you pay first?

by  |  earlier

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my brother broke his collar bone 7 weeks ago and has been out of work ever since he goes back this week.

he broke the bone training to be a wrestler.

so who should he pay first his wrestling trainer or me his sister i have been paying his bills while he was out of work. i will take this to civil court if need be




  1. Well he should pay YOU before his trainer, hands down.  But I feel like taking him to court is slightly extreme, if you know your brother wasnt responsible enough to pay you back you obviously should have declined his request for you to pay for his bills.  Saying No to a family member is hard but you have to look out for yourself and your own financial status.  If he's not paying you first, then ugh... yes take him to court.  But tell him first that if he isnt making a 100% effort to pay you back first, then you will be forced to take him to court.  No one enjoys being blind sided by a lawsuit.

  2. Wow, your gonna sue your brother because YOU CHOSE to pay his bills?  You sound like a terrible sister.  You had no obligation to pay his bills, and if he's out of work how the h**l do you expect him to pay?

  3. Well it has only been 7 weeks, he is just going back to work now and you are already thinking lawsuit.

    Ethically you are way out of line, speak to your brother perhaps work out a modest payment plan that he can adhere to in the short term while he also pays his trainer.

    If he is looking at wrestling as a career paying his trainer is probably something which is understandable high on his priority list, all you need to do is open up a dialog and express to him that although you don't mind helping him you are also relying upon the money owed to you.
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