
Who do you think is prettiest?

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im on my aunts again btw and we are all 13




  1. HAHAHAH oh my god. 13? PLEASE. you all look at least 7.

  2. You shouldn't care. It wouldn't be fair to the other girls to say whose the cutest


  3. Probably the girl in the right corner.  The girl in the left corner looks pretty, as well, though.

    Do you live in California, by the way?  The neighborhood looks like a neighborhood I once passed.

  4. I think the girl in the navy shirt and blue plaid is the prettiest.

    But you're all to young to be worrying about this.

  5. they're all cute, but I think the one furthest on the right looks the prettiest, no offence to the others of course.

    the one in the multicolored, striped tank top.

  6. Your all pretty.

  7. yellow shirt and blue tank top

  8. the girl on the very right. you guys kinda all look werid/awkwward..prolly cuz youth

  9. the one with the yellow shirt

  10. the girl on the far left for sure

  11. The girl on the far left and far right are tied for the prettiest. Then the girl 2nd from the left is 2nd place and last is the bigger one. Though I feel weird for saying that 4 13 year olds are pretty but you 4 are all pretty.  

  12. wow your aunt lets you ask these things....... lol....

    anyway i like the girl on the far left the most. she has a pretty smile and great curves. all of them are very pretty though.

  13. the one all the way on the right i guess

  14. ur a little kid u shudnt care who the cutest is

  15. you're all cute in your own way. ;)

  16. i think that the prettiest girl there is the one in the yellow shirt with hearts...

  17. the two on the opposite ends. the yellow shirted one more. :))

    But you are all pretty non-the less. lol or however you spell that

  18. wow you guys are young as h**l.

    but the one at the far left is the prettiest.

  19. the one on the far left.

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