
Who else takes Welbutrin XL??

by  |  earlier

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cause i do and i feel like im the only one.




  1. I take 150 mg daily. it helps Little bit. I stooped taking it for a while and seen the difference.

  2. I was prescribed one of the Welbutrins a while back when I was in the drug game, but then read up on the side effects and I have seizures and doctor I guess did not read my whole chart, so took my self off and quit seeing that doctor.

    Never think you are the only one, I am sure there are others, wait until there is a tv commercial out about it and there will be tons of people.

  3. im was prescribe it along time ago and it made me agitated and not the way I wanted to feel. I would not ever take it again.

    It is for allot of thingsWELLBUTRIN XL has demonstrated tolerability

    As with all medications, you may experience side effects when you take WELLBUTRIN XL. Side effects may be more common shortly after you start treatment. The most common side effects with WELLBUTRIN XL are weight loss, loss of appetite, dry mouth, skin rash, sweating, ringing in the ears, shakiness, stomach pain, agitation, anxiety, dizziness, trouble sleeping, muscle pain, nausea, fast heartbeat, sore throat, and urinating more often.

    Seizures may occur (studies showed an incidence of 1/1000 - 4/1000). The chances of having seizures increases with higher doses. Taking more than 450 mg/day increases the chance of serious side effects. If you have nausea, take WELLBUTRIN XL with food. If you have trouble sleeping, remember to take WELLBUTRIN XL in the morning. Do not change your dose or stop taking WELLBUTRIN XL without talking to your doctor.

    For additional safety information, see "Important Safety Information" below.

      Why take something that is going to make you agitated?

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